“SUCCESS” Defined: Success is about achieving victory in the middle of an unkempt, untidy, imprecise, messy environment. Synonyms: not precise, untidy, messy, scruffy, straggly, disordered, disheveled, disarranged, rumpled, windblown, ungroomed, bedraggled, in a mess, mussed, messed up;
“UNKEMPT” Defined: Being “unkempt” is about being in an untidy, imprecise, messy way. Synonyms: not precise, untidy, messy, scruffy, straggly, disordered, disheveled, disarranged, rumpled, windblown, ungroomed, bedraggled, in a mess, mussed, messed up;
It’s not an error. Please don’t waste your time re-reading these two definitions.
Yes, they’re both very similar.
Before We Begin:
I recently was reviewing some very interesting articles written by Tim Seidler. Tim is a brilliant Internet Marketer who has inspired and helped thousands of people realize healthy and sustainable Internet Marketing Success.
I came across one of his more successful Blogs at and it hit me that success, as rewarding as it could be, is unusually “unkempt” in so many different ways. That was an “Aha” moment for me and, it was the inspiration for me to write this article. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful on your personal or business Success Quest. Thank you Tim.
Onward & Upward:
IMPORTANT FACT: Striving to succeed while on a personal or business Success Quest will get “Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy,” more often than not.
This is just one of many quirky, inexorable facts of life but refreshingly, this one fact in particular, comes with an inspiring and hopeful upside.
To make sure it’s “received warmly” this quirky fact brings along with it a personality and identity conundrum that has existed since the beginning of time.
It literally, more often than not, turns lives upside down and inside out and yet, its reserved and “under the radar” whimsical nature, can bring forth powerful opportunities and encouraging hope and inspiration for victory.
The Fact Is: It is one of the most undervalued and overlooked facts inextricably connected to the Success that you’re striving to achieve. Being in the midst of this “Deliciously Unkempt and Downright Messy” phenomenon, can be an exciting, positive and hopeful place to be, while striving for a favorable outcome for your Success Quest. Why???
The Bottom Line: Because. . .This is where “opportunity” is waiting to bump into you.
This is a magical and enchanted space that also happens to be the safe zone where “opportunity” retreats to and, where it winds down after being neglected or abandoned by people who just didn’t understand how life or success works.
Here in its magical and enchanted safe zone, “opportunity” takes a rest and gets reinvigorated. Here in it’s safe zone it gets ready to go back out and start bumping into, or being bumped by, people that are intensely ambitious, hardworking people who refuse to give up on their dreams and people who “get it,” when it comes to making their dreams come true.
You Should Know: “Opportunity” wants you to succeed. It “lives” for creating expansive success around the world. “Opportunity” works very hard at setting people up to find it and use it, to acquire success and prosperity.
People experience setbacks because they usually let “opportunity” down, by not devoting and applying the proper amount of time, energy, attitude and respect to their Success Quest. Respect the “opportunities” that you bump into or that bump into you or, those “opportunities” will move on to the next ambitious person.
More often than not, people tend to forfeit their right to success and to “receiving” the gift of “opportunity” because, they lack an authentic “Burning Desire” to succeed. A person’s “Burning Desires” is determined to be authentic only if it is verifiable and able to be measured exclusively by a person’s actions.
“Wanting Success” is not enough to kindle a “Burning Desire.”
“Needing Success,” is the paramount source that will generate the energy and power that will push and pull you over the finish line to victory. Anything less than “Needing Success” is going to make it burdensome to effect and enjoy a favorable and rewarding outcome on your Success Quest.
I Digress: “Success Quest” Defined
A ‘Success Quest’ is a journey that you choose to go on in the pursuit of success, in your personal and/or business life.
It could be a personal ‘Success Quest’ to lose weight, a ‘Success Quest’ to start a charity that helps people or animals, a ‘Success Quest’ to launch and build a multi-million-dollar business, a “Success Quest” to have a large wonderful family or, it could be a ‘Success Quest’ to achieve anything, in-between or beyond.
A “Success Quest” is inspired and initiated by having the “Burning Desire” to shift your life from ordinary, to above ordinary or, if it’s your dream and goal, up and out to extraordinary.
Let’s Begin:
Exhilarating, life-affirming, heartwarming, rewarding and exciting situations, events, projects and celebrations are all normally capable of being quite satisfying and gratifying and yet, at the same time, they all possess natural “Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy” aspects that are common to all, as well as additional aspects, that are unique to each and every one of them.
It’s this proclivity to being “Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy,” in words and deeds, that paradoxically, allows a person’s thinking and attitude to be endowed with the access and openness to experience, unfettered and uncaged creativity, unadulterated fun and remarkably, the fortitude and unimpeded ability to survive, thrive and flourish in life and business.
Examples of
‘Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy’:
1-Cooking a new, innovative recipe for a longtime male/female friend “whose just a friend” and their friend from college, who your friend wants you to meet and , who you find out only when you meet that person, that they have nothing going for them but, one nasty personality and coincidentally, a father, who happens to be CEO of the company you absolutely would love to go to work for and with whom, you have a job interview with, in 2 weeks.
2-Playing male/female touch football in the rain on a sandlot and everyone has to wear a t-shirt and shorts. Brilliant you, gets the idea to create a very exciting, ingenious indoor party game and, you share this idea with one of the fantastic looking members of the opposite sex. It turns out, their significant other creates party games and they give it to them.
3-Volunteering your “expertise” as a painter to spruce up a room in your significant other’s home, it’s a one-month old “love at first sight” relationship, and you don’t know the first thing about painting and because of that, you get the idea to create a new, innovative and exciting painting process business, that has to take you to Europe for 12 months or more, to develop the concept.
4-Baking, for the first time, a Lemon Meringue Pie with, and for, the person of your dreams, that you met yesterday and, finding out later, after you left, that they had to go to the hospital because, they were highly allergic to a “secret” ingredient that you thought had to be added.
5-A ceramic pottery lesson in a group that a friend of yours teaches and the place is raided and everyone is busted for prostitution and pimping. You always suspected that there was something “off” about your pal.
6-You’re out Binge drinking to celebrate the impending marriage of a friend when after you’ve downed 7 rounds of drinks you decide to come up with word games to play and you suddenly realize that all your friends bailed on you, leaving you to pay the bill and, that your wallet or purse has been pickpocketed by the stripper that you hired.
Some levity here of course but, the extraordinary interrelationship between “Success”and its propensity for being “Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy” in words and deeds, is strikingly one of the more positive elements of “Success.”
As it turns out, this interdependence melds into a very compelling and profound coalition, that exists only to enable you, as an individual, to create and discover ideas and opportunities, as you strive to make your mark in the world.
“Nothing in life is pure. It’s not supposed to be. You can’t stop life from being messy, so get over it.” ~ Silas Weir Mitchell as Monroe, in the TV show “Grimm,” “Tribunal,” Season 4, Episode 10.
Say What? The reality is that many of us don’t have a clearly defined idea of what success really “looks” like, but rather, we live with a “romantic, lone ranger view” of what success “should” look like.
Bill Gates and many other successful entrepreneurs have come out and publicly lauded and commented on the book “Shoe Dog,” by Nike founder Phil Knight. Knight’s book, tells what real business success looks like: “It’s messy, perilous, and a chaotic journey riddled with mistakes, endless struggles, and sacrifice.”
On a more encouraging note, I personally assure you, and I know that Knight would agree, that at the same exact time as this unnerving “stuff” is going on, “Success” is doing its thing by creating the exciting, challenging and rewarding “stuff” to help make all your dreams come true.
You Should Know: Knowing up front, the kinds of “Deliciously Unkempt and Downright Messy” stuff that could possibly take place on your Success Quest, is truly empowering and, could serve as a mighty watchfulness and mindfulness source to be used for the development and reinforcement of self-preservation and the preservation of your family, business and beyond.
Not knowing what to expect or, expecting pure nirvana, only breeds disappointment, resentment, discouragement and eventually, giving up on your dreams.
“I am convinced that knowledge is power – to overcome the past, to change our own situations, to fight new obstacles, to make better decisions.” Ben Carson
Acknowledging and purposefully and enthusiastically acclimating yourself to life’s reality that “Success” has a “fraternal twin” in the likes of “deliciously unkempt & downright messy” stuff, will literally “keep you on your toes” and ready and able, to meet any adversity head on.
“Better to know some of it and be disappointed today, then not know anything and be disappointed and afraid and anxious of the unknown each and every day.”
The pursuit of a successful personal or business life is a perpetual balancing act that when respected, accommodated and nurtured, will bring sharp awareness to the existence of the “Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy” stuff, to top-of- mind.
This awareness and knowledge at the top-of-mind will encourage the development, honing, and fortification of your vigilance, observation and perception skills and, will enable your watchtower to always be on and, humming in the background.
Being able and willing to learn and practice how to skillfully monitor and manipulate the “Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy” stuff has a two-fold positive effect: 1- You’ll have the ability to reasonably detect and perceive dormant /lingering and active/incoming adversity and, 2- Be able to discern and “bump into” opportunities that lie waiting for you amidst the messy “stuff.”
Once this awareness is up and humming and doing what it’s supposed to do, then it’s time to have it take its place in your Success Support Arsenal and be fully accessible to help effect the victory, prosperity, gratification, elation and exhilaration that you have earned as a result of your hard work and perseverance.
You Should Know: It really all comes down to showing deference to life’s inexorable and immutable “Tenets”: You can’t have right without wrong. You can’t have light without dark. You can’t have strong without weak. You can’t have good without evil. You can’t have up without down and, you certainly can never have, “Success,” without the “Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy” side of the equation.
Hot Tip: These simple equations are invariable, inflexible, ageless and enduring. These two equations represent what Life’s Tenets are all about. Respect them or, move forward at your own risk: A Good Action=A Good Reaction; A Bad Action= A Bad Reaction.
To achieve a victory on your Success Quest you must always consider each side of every Tenet. This is where 99% of the people in the world make their pivotal mistake that leads to setbacks, derailments and worse, abject failure.
The Good News: It is in this “Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy” success arena that we grow stronger, wiser, more compassionate and more understanding. It’s in this “Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy” success arena that we build life-long friendships and partnerships.
It is in this “Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy” success arena that we truly become wise and skillful in a business or personal arena that means the world to us. The state of being “Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy” will always be your companion on whatever personal or business “Success Quest” you decide to go on.
You Should Know: The benchmark of everything we’ve discussed up to now, is that a victorious “Success Quest” becomes a dynamic possibility the moment you embrace, and deeply understand that life and business success is and will always be “Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy.”
This pivotal point is both piercingly ironic and remarkably gratifying to know. You now can move forward with “eyes wide open” and with your senses keenly aware of what’s going on around you.
Side Bar: Everything’s possible and, half-the-battle is realized, when your Reality and Life’s Reality, is brought together as one magnificent force.
On the Road Again:
“Knowing What You Don’t Know”
Inevitably, the world of personal or business Success progresses in a most dizzying and confusing meddlesome manner.
It’s intermittent zigzagging causes Success to appear to be meandering between a world of the “straight and narrow” and a world that’s embroiled in a “Hot Mess” and totally out of your control.
The world of Success is naturally and normally in a state of flux and the roads leading to Success are littered with boundless stories of setbacks, defeat and oblivion. These circumstances are known to generate extreme emotional distress and overwhelming feelings of fear, insecurity, stress or being awash in consternation, to name a few.
You Should Know: The “provocateur” of this extreme emotional discomfort and overwhelming distress is the lack of information and /or knowledge. Not knowing, not knowing the truth or, not knowing what you don’t know, is the primary source of feeling unnerved, disconnected and experiencing extreme feelings and emotional distress, in business or your personal life.
Quick Tip: Persistently asking questions and obstinately digging deep for the answers, painstaking information aggregation of all kinds and in all relevant categories, steadfast curiosity, enthusiastic exploring and “wide-eyed” experimenting, will collectively and individually, provide the relevant and penetrating information and the fine-tuned perception that you’ll need.
More on this later in this article.
This penetrating information and a fine-tuned perception will make a significant contribution to the shedding of a considerable amount of expansive light on the “unknown.”
Acquiring this penetrating information and fine-tuned perception will enable the revelation of the truth and nothing but the truth and, will activate the process of “acquiring general and specific knowledge resulting in getting to know, what you don’t know.”
This information aggregation will alleviate the distress and discomfort of not knowing and, at the same time, enhance and fortify your self-confidence and, your business and life “experience.”
The information and knowledge that you obtain will come energized and ready to work side-by-side with you on your Success Quest. To sum it up: Information + Knowledge= Success
“The u.n.k.e.m.p.t Success Concept”
You Should Also Know: There are ways to harness the energy, power and even the positivity, of the randomness and uncertainties that’s found in the Success Arena, in “Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy” stuff and, what’s found in abundance, on your personal or business Success Quest.
It requires a “Burning Desire,” extreme vigilance and indefatigable determination to power up your personal Preservation Shield so that it’s able to wrap itself around your personal and business assets which of course includes you, your family, friends, employees and beyond.
In addition, another benefit of amassing this energy, power and positivity is that it will help create a stirring force that will enable you to generate amazingly viable and indispensable Success Support Tools that can generate ideas, discoveries and inventions, thus effecting a favorable outcome for your Success Quest.
We Finally Made It: The “The u.n.k.e.m.p.t Success Concept” is made up of information, quick tips, and suggestions that are all considered Success Support Tools that will aid in shoring up your Success Quest, with the support and guidance it needs to achieve victory and beyond.
Important to Always Remember: The following 7 elements will help you move forward on your Success Quest by helping you to adjust, tolerate and accommodate it’s “Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy” stuff.
All this “stuff” is available for “adoption” and, will serve you well as mighty additions and enhancements to your Success Support Arsenal:
Things to Know #1:
“Uncharted Waters”
Defined: “If you’re in uncharted waters, you’re in a situation that is unfamiliar to you, that you have no experience of and don’t know what might happen.” “It may be a situation or circumstance that is foreign, unclear, or unfamiliar and which may be dangerous or difficult as a result.” “An activity or subject that people do not know anything about or have not experienced before.” “Having no knowledge of something.”
ORIGIN: “Uncharted,” first recorded in the 19th century, literally means not appearing on a map or chart. It’s derived from the noun “chart,” which originally meant a map when it entered English in the 1600s or possibly earlier. The word for a map came into English from French (carte), derived in turn from the Latin carta or charta, which the Oxford English Dictionary says meant paper or a leaf of paper. The OED has a few questionable uses of “chart” from the 1500s.
“What’s it all About”
Earlier in this article, we touched on not, specifically or generally, “knowing” and, “not knowing what one doesn’t know” and now, I want to expand on this very acute, personal and potentially obstructive, life or business, event.
In my opinion the number one cause of discouraging, distracting and deflecting most people from stepping up to the starting gate of their Success Quest and moving forward is the fear of “not knowing and not knowing what they don’t know.”
It’s the “unknown” that strikes fear, anxiety or stress into the hearts of the toughest amongst us. This fear, anxiety and stress, occupy way too much space in one’s life and, calls for far too much energy to be expended in trying to cope and overcome this emotional “DEAD WEIGHT.” It needs to be eradicated.
The more information, knowledge, facts and first-hand experiences you’re able to read about and hear about, the faster and more flawlessly, you’ll be able to effect the mitigation or, depending what the situation is, the elimination of the UFO’s, or the Unknown Fear Occupation.
Only information aggregation, diligent research and extreme scrutiny can help you to grab on to practically all of the answers you need to your questions. This mighty trio will also enable you to corral and glean the essential, general and specific, material that you require to help you move towards “knowing and knowing what you don’t know.”
For more comprehensive Information Aggregation please see my two articles here on Its All Possible: Information Aggregation Part 1 and Information Aggregation Part 2.
You Should Know: It’s not so much about being afraid of the “unknown” as it is about being afraid of the “known,” moving beyond the borders and boundaries of your comfort zone.
Developing a “Burning Desire” to move out of the “world” you’re in now will provide the energy, wherewithal and brute force, if necessary, to pull you, as you’re pushing, over and through those borders and boundaries of your comfort zone and, onto a victorious “Success Quest.”
How to kindle a “Burning Desire”? Two questions initiate a “Burning Desire” and then, it’s up to you to feed it and build it into, a roaring, sustainable “Impassioned Desire.”
The Questions to ask yourself: Why Not Me? Why Not Now?
You’ll find the fortitude to “push out and through” your comfort zone, in the answers to these questions.
The following simple, but mighty, Success Support Tools, will aid in the facilitation and acceleration of finding answers, ideas or solutions for, mundane or exceptional, challenges and situations that you’ll face on your Success Quest:
Success Support Tool #1: Questions & Shredding
Why should we discuss the subject of “Questions?”
How important are “Questions” to achieving victory on your Success Support.
This is how important:
“What people think of as the moment of discovery is really the discovery of the question.” – Jonas Salk
“The power to question is the basis of all human progress” Indira Ghandi
“He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.” – Chinese proverb
“I know you won’t believe me, but the highest form of Human Excellence is to question oneself and others.” –Socrates
“Most misunderstandings in the world could be avoided if people would simply take the time to ask, “What else could this mean?” ― Shannon L. Alder
“Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your whole life.” ― Shannon L. Alder
“The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge” -Thomas Burger
“My greatest strength as a consultant is to be ignorant and ask a few questions.” – Peter Drucker
There’s an inverse relationship between “not knowing the facts” or, “not knowing what you don’t know” and, the discomfort and emotional distress this dilemma causes.
As you dig deep, investigate and explore and, as more facts and information come to light, your discomfort and distress will decrease. In addition to the emotional discomfort and distress dissipating, your self-confidence will soar and, your life and/or business “experience portfolio,” will surge and grow exponentially.
The primary Success Support Tool that will support and enable the information aggregation needed to accomplish an intervention and resolve the “not knowing what you don’t know” dilemma, is the most “undervalued and overlooked” tool that exists today, and that tool is,“The Question.”
The core, and most essential part, of the foundation that the subject of “Questions” is built on, is the incomparable 5W’s +1 + Shredding, or also known as Who, What, When, Where, Why + How + Shredding.
‘Shredding’ is my concept and the additive that supercharges the power and effectiveness of “The Question.”
As I said earlier “Questions and Shredding” is the most “undervalued and overlooked” tool in your Success Support Arsenal and that’s assuming that you were fortunate enough to discover the process by yourself or you were lucky enough to have someone introduce the process to you.
The simple mechanics of using the 5 W’s + 1 + Shredding are as follows:
1- Start the process with “yes or no” questions. They provide a comfortable environment. These questions are good for building a reliable foundation. They don’t take up much time and they normally “cut to the chase.” These are top-of-mind questions that start the information aggregating process rolling.
2- Expand the information aggregation process by now bringing in the 5 W’s + 1 + Shredding. This concept will provide you with the opportunity to widen the scope of the information aggregation event. Asking open ended questions that start with Who, What, When, Where, Why or How can, and should be, used for any and all situations.
3-When the first few answers to the questions appear to be applicable to a resolve for their situation or challenge, too many people make the enormous error of getting prematurely encouraged. Their thinking shifts to a relieved mindset and they now feel that their work is done, since they have ‘an answer’, or so they thought, to this situation or event.
I implore you, I insist and I’m jumping up and down while I say this: “Don’t stop now!!!” You’re moving into the “Danger Zone” if you do.
To secure a solid and incontrovertible confirmation of the accuracy of the answers that you just gleaned, you now must start “shredding” these answers.
How “Shredding” works: Ask a question + Get an answer + Ask questions specifically about that answer + Get more answers + Ask questions specifically about those answers + Repeat this process a minimum of six cycles.
You’ll be amazed at the results that you achieve. More importantly, you’ll be astounded when you find the optimal, and most accurate, answers somewhere between Cycle #6 and Cycle #12 and even beyond. Isn’t it worth a little extra time to ensure that you’re going to move forward safely, prudently and responsibly.
Xtra Success Support Tool: At your convenience please review my comprehensive article on “Questions & Shredding” right here on It’s All Possible.
Success Support Tool #2:
“Realizing Boundless Success Does Not Require Bountiful Knowledge”
The lack of any kind of knowledge should never hold you back from attempting to start your Success Quest because the truth is: You just don’t need to personally have all the knowledge and all the answers.
Here’s why:
I recently read an article written by Shelly Palmer. Shelly was ranked as one of LinkedIn’s Top 10 Technology Writers of the Year. His article was about having data knowledge and he explained it in terms of being Literate vs. Fluent.
It comes down to this:
To be Literate- you know just enough about a few, or many, different subjects so that you’re able to ask good questions, know what you don’t know and are able to figure out what needs to be done next. You’re a “generalist.”
To be Fluent- you know a great deal about one subject and chances are you’re an expert in that subject. CPA’s, Lawyers, Computer Techs are some examples of being Fluent.
To get started on your journey and try to achieve “boundless success” you only need to be literate.
People get easily discouraged and “flee” when something looks and feels too difficult in business and in their personal world. They’re obviously not aware that a Success Quest, and life in general, can, and will, get “Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy.” Knowing that being “Literate and not Fluent” will be enough for you to get to the starting gate and should change your entire perspective on your situation or challenge.
Knowing that you could always hire “Fluent” and being “Literate” will just make it easier for you to find the right person should have a calming effect on you.
Knowing that you could hire experts who are “Fluent” in the subjects and categories that you need information for, is the most important and the most powerful knowledge you’ll ever need to mitigate the feeling caused by “not knowing what you don’t know. As I said, you could always hire “Fluents.” You could just hire someone’s “brain.”
Things to Know #2:
“Necessity is the mother of invention”
Defined: “When the need for something becomes imperative, you are forced to find ways of getting or achieving it.” Synonym: source, origin, genesis, fountainhead, inspiration, stimulus; literary wellspring; According to Cambridge Dictionary, this is “an expression that means that if you really need to do something, you will think of a way of doing it.
ORIGIN: The author of this proverb is unknown. This phrase was familiar in England, but in Latin, not in English. In 1519, headmaster of Winchester and Eton, William Horma used the Latin phrase “Mater artium necessitas” in his book “Vulgaria”. In 1545 Roger Ascham used a close English version of “Necessitie, the inuentour of all goodnesse” in his book “Toxophilus”.
In 1964 Frank Zappa took over leadership of the American rock band The Soul Giants. He renamed the band The Mothers, referring to the jazz compliment of motherfucker for a great musician. However, their record company, Verve Records, objected to the insinuation and by necessity Zappa had to change the name, creating (and defining) “The Mothers of Invention.”
“What’s it all About?”
You literally stand at, or pass by, the crossroads of necessity and creativity many times each and every day.
What do the following people have in common?
1-The parents of three children who are on a tight financial budget yet figure out ways to set aside money for vacations.
2-The salesperson trying to come up with ways to generate new business.
3-The mom trying to get her 3 boys to behave and get along when they go out to eat.
4- The entrepreneur who needs to find ways to generate a more invigorating cash flow.
What do they all have in common? They’re all tapping into their “creativity” and moving their “creative boundaries and borders” beyond their current comfort zone.
Creativity is not all about artists, writers and musicians. The best definition of “creativity” that I found comes from the Business Dictionary: “Mental characteristic that allows a person to think outside of the box, which results in innovative or different approaches to a particular task.”
That’s not an exotic, extraordinary or even an exceptional definition or description of “creativity” and, it’s certainly not an impossible level of “creativity” that any of us can’t aspire to and develop.
Creativity is an integral part of everyone’s life and it’s always on call, ready and able to be tapped into. Initially, some people may have more than others but creativity is a flexible and willing partner that believes in change and more importantly believes in you. Creativity believes that anything’s possible and that “attitude” is the nurturing force that is responsible for its development.
A Point of View: “The creative person wants to be a know-it-all. He wants to know about all kinds of things-ancient history, nineteenth century mathematics, current manufacturing techniques, hog futures. Because he never knows when these ideas might come together to form a new idea. It may happen six minutes later, or six months, or six years. But he has faith that it will happen.” — Carl Ally
What does this all mean for you?
As I said before: You literally stand at, or just pass by, the crossroads of necessity and creativity many times each and every day. Do you stop and embrace creativity at this crossroad or do you just pass it by believing it’s the wrong intersection for you? What you do with that opportunity is all up to. You can start to enhance and strengthen your “creativity” at any time that you choose.
You should know: You can learn how to develop your natural “creative” ability and become a “Creative Genius.” Yes, it’s very possible. It’s all about your willingness to begin by just trying to become one and then, revving it up to striving to become one. This simple procedure will kick your level of “creativity” up from ordinary to eventually, a level of extraordinary.
“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn no one can stop you.” – Zig Ziglar
Start Here to Learn How to be Creative:
1- My article right here on Its All Possible. Follow this link: “CREATIVITY”
2- Start up your Googlearian mindset and follow this link: “BEING CREATIVE”
3-One More Google Search: please follow this link: “HOW TO BE CREATIVE”
When I hear someone “proudly” declare that “they’re not creative and it’s just not their thing,” I know what they’re really saying is “I wish I was creative.” You can be and, will be, if you just “Try + Strive to become Creative.”
The Take-Away: Your “creativity” aspirations can only be accommodated and affected by the attitude you carry around with you.
You Need to:
1-believe, really believe, that you have the right and the responsibility, to try to be more creative.
2-know that if you just “try” to be more “creative” you will succeed no matter how long it takes.
3-respect and nurture your “creativity” potentiality.
4-carry an attitude of determination and confidence.
5-have a sincere willingness to learn how to be more “creative.”
6-possess or develop a desire, preferably a “Burning Desire”, to move your “creativity” level onward and upward and, outside of the borders and boundaries of your comfort zone.
7-develop an attitude of perseverance and an attitude that you’ll never give up or give in and you will become a genuine “creative.”
Things to Know #3:
“Keep your Pecker Up”
P E C K E R: Positive Expectancy Creates Kick-ass Emotions & Results
Definition- “If someone tells you to keep your pecker up, they are telling you not to let your problems get on top of you and to try to be optimistic.”
“Whilst pecker is a word now associated with American slang the usage here is the British pecker, that is, nose or mouth, as opposed to the American, that is, penis.”
Origin: The pecker is generally thought of as the mouth, although the earliest known use of the word in this phrase clearly alludes to the nose. The imagery is of a bird that pecks for food. That citation is from The Times, September 1845.
You Should Know: “Positivity” is obviously an essential component and prerequisite for achieving victory on your personal and/or business Success Quest. The one thing that is not so obvious and, something that could, and usually does, divert or derails the most intense “Burning Desire’,” is ignoring the existence of Positivity’s “Fraternal Twin” that goes by the name of “Negativity.”
To be afraid and try to deny your own “negative” emotions, or thoughts, a place at the table, is to deprive yourself of a crucial channel to information that may be necessary to construct a safe and accurate picture of your situation or event.
Beware of pushing or trying to quash negative thoughts out of your mind. You do so at the risk of creating a shutdown and a possible, needless abandonment of your Success Quest.
Play with these emotions and let them hang around for a while. You’re not inviting them to move in forever and become your roommate, you just want to “see and hear” what they’re trying to tell you or warn you about.
Be Aware: Why should you give negative emotions or thoughts the benefit of the doubt and, accept them as allies rather than adversaries? They could be your intuition trying to get in touch with you. It could be, and it usually is, your discernment and intuition working together to warn or advise you to “slow down, possible danger ahead,” or better yet, a possible “buried” treasure ahead.”
You can’t generate qualified, reliable or authentic positive, emotions or thoughts, without acknowledging both reality and the negative side of being positive. Working side by side with positive & negative thoughts and, functioning as a tightly interconnected triad, that’s well-cloaked with introspection and contemplation, will allow you to progress on your Success Quest with confidence, insight and ultimately, achieve the victory you dreamed about.
Xtra Success Support Tool: Please visit my article on ‘Positivity’ right here on “Its All Possible,” that’s located in ‘The Trip Concept’ Part #4 Positivity. It’s not only about positivity. It discusses the power generated when positivity and negativity meld and work in unison. In this article, you’ll read about my concept “Posi-Negativism,” an affirmative way of bringing Positivity & Negativism together to empower you and support you on your personal or business Success Quest.
Things to Know #4:
“Etched in Stone”
Defined: Something that cannot be changed at all is said to be etched in stone.
ORIGIN: 15th Century, British English.
Simple but Profound: “Are we etched in stone or just scratched in the sand?”
This line is from a song entitled, “Tightrope” by John Squire. Squire (born in 1962) is an English guitar player known for being part of the seminal Manchester band The Stone Roses. In 1996 after he quit the Stone Roses he formed a new band called The Seahorses who only released one album in 1997, after the band parted ways in 1999 Squire started a more serious art career.
This is a “simple but profound” statement that can be interpreted in so many ways. For me, this is a cerebral awareness reminder that we all possess the acumen, discernment and, the inalienable right to decide whether we want to view our lives as being mutable or hopelessly invariable.
In other words: Are we stuck with the shit that we have or can we get better shit??? The bad news- Nothing lasts forever; The good news- Nothing lasts forever.
This “things to know” is simply about temporariness and permanence.
Permanence: “Are we etched in Stone or,
Temporary: “Are we just scratched in the sand?”
I see life as mutable, transformable, changeable. The two aspects of change, the physical and the mental elements, need vigilance and a hands-on posture to help it move around and through your life as painlessly as possible.
Most people are frustrated, discouraged and even frightened away before they even get to the starting gate of their Success Quest because, they see their decision to pursue their dreams as a real possibility, that if they fail, it will become a permanent condition with absolutely no way back from the shame and ruination that “failing” will bring in to their lives.
Your field of vision becomes obscured and distorted when viewed from a position that any decision you make to bring about a shift of your world from ordinary, to a world of extraordinary is permanent and unyielding.
I’m here to tell you that you have never been more wrong about anything in your life like you are now, if you believe you have only one chance, one option or one way to make all your dreams come true.
Nothing is permanent and nothing is “etched in stone” if you truly believe and totally grasp the fact, that everything, and I mean everything, is temporary and, that you always have options, always. It’s your choice and decision to believe in temporariness over permanence.
In addition to all the other tips and tools in this article, here’s several other simple, but essential, Success Support Devices, known as Mindful Moments. They exist to specifically help you stay focused and, more importantly, help you become mentally adept and confident in manipulating and standing up to reality when deciding to assume and maintain a mental state of temporariness:
Mindful Moments:
Mindful Moment #1: “Expect the worst and Hope for the best”
Mindful Moment #2: What’s the worst that could happen?
Mindful Moment #3: “Knowing that you’re going to be okay and, that you’ll be able to handle anything that comes your way.”
These simple Mindful Moments kept at the forefront of your consciousness, in any and all of your situations and events, are just meant to keep your expectations and progress in check so that they move forward cautiously and, that they’re controllable and reasonably able to be manipulated by you if needed at a moment’s notice.
THE GOOD NEWS: The conditions under which Mindful Moments “live, breathe and thrive” are 1-acknowledging that your situation or event is temporary and, 2-that the “happening” is in your control and it’s up to you, to exert as much pressure and influence to make sure the “happening” gets shifted to a “better place” so that it can direct your thought process back on to the proper success path needed.
IMPORTANT: When viewed as “temporary,” any situation, or event, presents options that could never have been detected if your view of that that same situation or event, was viewed as “permanent.” If you believe a situation is permanent you need to, even if you have to make believe, ask the question: “How would I handle this if this was a temporary situation or event?”
Treat it as a game. Do what sports teams, businesses and creative people do when planning and creating. They try to plan for any, and all, circumstances by asking questions that start with the mighty words “What if. . .” and “What if I. . . “, over and over and over again.
There are two pivotal points in time when any Mindful Moment could produce life-changing consequences:
1- The Antecedent Mindful Moment: This is a proactive situation when you have future situations or events coming and you take some quiet time for “mindfulness” and, with a sound mind, think about how to work with the upcoming situation or event. The operative words here are “when you have the time to think.” Here, you’re planning and preparing for “Victory.”
2-The Ensuing Mindful Moment: It’s coming at you or it’s breaking down your backdoor this minute. Trouble, along with its fraternal twin, whirlwind, are fast approaching and the time to deploy corrective action is right now, before they flip you upside down.
This Mindful Moment, more often than not, is usually immediate and, engaged on the fly. Here, your defensive and protective mode kicks in and you need to make, as close as possible to a spot-on decision, as you can.
HEY, WAIT: What about the good stuff? These are easier to decide on due to the fact that the results of your decisions are most times favorable, enjoyable or painless either way you go.
Mindful Moment #1: “Be prepared for the worst and Hope for the best”
The premise: “Think and do whatever’s necessary, to move your creativity into high gear and encourage it, to “imagine the worst” to enable you, to “do your best.”
This is about positivity and, a reality check statement, that calls for vigilance and proactiveness. This Mindful Moment is a warning guidepost and that’s all.
I modified the original version of “expect the worst hope for the best.”
This is an Antecedent Mindful Moment. Using the “Be prepared for the worst and Hope for the best” attitude here, you presumably have the time to think, imagine and examine what could possibly go horribly wrong or just simply awry, in a positive or in an adverse situation or event.
Get as many answers as possible, write them down and scrutinize them. The best defense is set when you can imagine as many of the worst downside situations you can for any “happening.”
Hit the internet and search for “the worst things that have happened in (your situation here). Fill in your “special situation” to see what you can find. Remember: Think and do whatever’s necessary, to move your creativity into high gear and encourage it, to “imagine the worst” to enable you, to “do your best.”
This is the same Mindful Moment Process that a winning football team or a professional tennis player use to review and study, on video or in a “Mindful Moment,” an upcoming game or match and determine where the opponent’s strengths and weaknesses exist. They’re preparing for Victory.
Mindful Moment #2: “What’s the worst that could happen?”
In life threatening, dangerous, conflicting, detrimental or any inopportune situations that are imminent or close at hand, the very first question that must always be asked is: What’s the worst that could happen? Get as many answers as possible, write them down and scrutinize them and then, move to immediately construct a strategic foundation based on those answers to protect yourself and remedy and solve the situation.
This question is for an Ensuing Mindful Moment.
Say What? As in “Be prepared for the worst and Hope for the best” this Mindful Moment could be used in positive situations as well. It might be a new opportunity, a new career change or an adventurous trip that’s available to you. Deciding to Do or not to Do these new and unknown situations can create stress, anxiety and even fear.
Working with a mindset as, “What’s the worst that could happen?”, will shed light on your situation and help you see it for what it is. This question’s job is to encourage you to take that courageous step, and willfully and bravely, take a chance and go for it, so as not to miss out or deny yourself life’s treasures.
To make this question work for you it must be infused with your dedication to ”Think and do whatever’s necessary, to move your creativity into high gear and encourage it, to “imagine the worst” to enable you, to “do your best.”
Mindful Moment #3:
“Knowing that you’re going to be okay and, that you’ll be able to handle anything that comes your way.”
You went to school and you learned how to read and write. You went out and got a job and now, you do some good work for a company that’s made up of total strangers. You were able to make a few good friends at the company and the company is no longer made up of all strangers. You now even made a few new friends for after work. You may have even found a significant other or a few significant others. You went on vacation, enjoyed yourself and even made it back home safely. Imagine that!!!
So, if I described this person to 20 different people I believe, that we would all agree, that he/she, is a reasonably capable person? Correct?
The definition of “Capable”:
1. Having capacity or ability; efficient and able: a capable administrator.
2. Having the ability required for a specific task or accomplishment; qualified: capable of winning.
3. Having the inclination or disposition: capable of success.
4. Permitting an action to be performed: an error capable of remedy; a camera capable of being used underwater.
The Good News: The minimum requirement for achieving any success in your life is being a “Capable” person.
The Bottom Line: People who possess ordinary “Capabilities” and are able to shift them in to high gear and up to extraordinary “Capabilities,” are the people who take reasonable chances, and when faced with the unknown they’re confident, because of their capabilities, “knowing that they’re going to be okay and, that they’ll be able to handle anything that comes their way.”
What’s Their Secret? There are 6 elements involved in their Self-metamorphosis:
Element #1- They know from past experiences, and truly believe, that they’re “capable people” wrapped in a “Burning Desire” to succeed.
Element #2- They firmly believe in temporariness and its ability to empower you with the flexibility and motivation to strive to effect change, thus inspiring the confidence and fortitude to never give up pursuing success, in spite of any obstructions or obstacles.
Element #3- They “always prepare for the worst but, they’re always resolute in their hope and faith for the best”
Element #4– They’re extremely proactive and vigilant and they’re constantly asking and applying the question “What’s the worst that could happen?” With answers in hand they proceed to scrutinize and investigate all circumstances surrounding any and all positive and/or adverse events that come their way. Resolutions and education are their goals.
Element #5- As a result of these elements they stand tall and proud in their judgement of them “Knowing that they’re going to be okay and, that they’ll be able to handle anything that comes their way.”
Element #6- Parts #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5 become an integral part of their Success Support Arsenal and they put in the time to practice using them and, making them an essential part of their everyday practice.
Undertaking an unfettered and true-blue mindset like “knowing that you’re going to be okay and, that you’ll be able to handle anything that comes your way,” should be made one of your personal tenets of life. It’s your daily mindful reality check that you understand and are prepared for the “deliciously unkempt & downright messy” side of the success equation.
This one point of view: “knowing that you’re going to be okay and, that you’ll be able to handle anything that comes your way” should be copied, printed and pasted in a conspicuous spot.
It should be hanging in front of you and in your wallet as a reminder that it’s okay to make mistakes. It’s okay to screw up and it’s okay for you to ask for help. Most of all, you’re going to be okay because you’ll do everything possible, and leave no stone unturned, to make sure you’re going to be okay.
You may be scared, feel uncomfortable or are just big time pissed off but, you know that at the end of the day once you get through this, no matter what happens, it becomes part of your education, knowledge foundation and experience. Stop worrying. Instead, lose yourself in the preparations for victory.
These Mindful Moments exist to remind you that everything you’re involved in is temporary and, that you have the power to clarify, identify, verify, classify, modify and actify or re-actify any eventuality or actual occurrence.
To give you the extra tool and support to achieve this I created the “The Beast Buster.” The ‘Beast Buster’ is a diversified “tool” that is found right here on Its all Possible and is meant to accommodate any and all situations and events where you need to keep things Adaptable, Malleable, Coordinated, Comprehensible, Extremely Legible and Universally Accessible and Mobile.
These precautionary and preemptive action Success Support Tools, encased in an unconditional, unyielding attitude of “Positive Expectancy,” will provide the proactive energy needed for your journey.
Things to Know #5:
“Make a virtue out of necessity”
Defined: If you “make a virtue out of necessity”, you make the best of a difficult or unsatisfactory situation. 1-extract something beneficial from an unwelcome obligation. 2-to shift the important deeds or act into a positive or useful experience. 3-to use a difficult situation in the best possible way. 4-to give the best possible effort one can under an uneasy situation.
ORIGIN: This thought is found in Latin in the of St Jerome’s writings: facis de necessitate virtutem ‘you make a virtue of necessity’. It followed into Old French (faire de nécessiste vertu) and was found first in English in Chaucer’s The Knight’s Tale: “Then is it wisdom, as it thinketh me, to make virtue of necessity”
Why did you set out to shift your current environment from ordinary to extraordinary? Was it a specific or general dissatisfaction? Who was it for? Is your desire wrapped in a shielded package of “wishing” or is it draped with a magnificent cloak of fiery aspiration?
Answers to questions like these could unlock and unleash the power and energy that you could tap into that will enable you to flourish in the world of ordinary or extraordinary. Questions like these are powerful Success Support Tools.
Life is messy in any person’s “world.” It’s “Deliciously unkempt and downright messy.’ It’s a tortuous road that you’re going to travel on in life no matter what your level of desire is made up of. Letting the “unknown” shake you and drain you of mental and physical energy, will only lead you right back to where you started from.
The practice of “making a virtue out of necessity” is a compelling attitude and frame-of-mind to adopt and apply. It’ll be your front-line defense against obstacles and opposing forces, unknown or discernible.
Smart people wisely and insightfully make all kinds of financial, personnel, marketing or home centered preparations before launching their Success Quests but the majority never give pause to consider the most important Success Support Tools they possess, their attitude and frame-of-mind.
Coping, surviving and then thriving in difficult times and situations is a lengthy, personal and very important subject that would not be able to receive the treatment it deserves in this space in this article. I would suggest reading my article “How to Cope, Survive and Thrive On Your Personal or Business Success Quest” right here on It’s All Possible.
The information in this article is also about your Success Support and how to handle the challenges found on your Success Quest, especially “Things to Know #4:“Etched in Stone.” I suggest you review this section with special emphasis on the “Mindful Moments.”
I would also suggest that you make a serious effort to study and understand these two specific Tools, that will provide you with the fortitude and peace of mind that will be a welcome addition to your Success Support Arsenal.
1- How to ask the Right Questions.
2- How to handle difficult situations
These are links to two internet searches. Becoming a “Googlearian” is a terrific and boundless source of anything you need to know in all areas of your life.
Things to Know #6
“Paddle your own canoe”
Defined: If you “paddle your own canoe” you have to be able to do things for yourself without outside help. To be able to act without having to depend on anyone. Decide your own fortune. Go in your own direction. Self-reliance.
ORIGIN: The phrase has been in existence since the early 19th century. In 1807, it was used in the work named, ‘The Selangor Journal: Jottings Past and Present’. In 1939, the phrase was used by Lord Baden-Powell as the tittle of his book and meant it in the way that it is being used today. The phrase has been used by anonymous writers in poetries since 1851.
This “thing to know” is not specifically or exclusively about being the “Lone Ranger.” It’s about two powerful words that I recently realized are more accurate descriptions of men and women who do great things and who help other people do great things.
“There are times when our conscience demands that we must stand alone against all odds… armed only with our courage and faith.” author unknown
WHAT ARE THE TWO WORDS??? To be, at a minimum, “capable” or aspire to be wildly successful, in life and/or in business, one must seek to acquire and develop the knowledge and confidence to become a “Stand-Alone.”
Being confident, comfortable and secure in being able to “Stand Alone” is enormously powerful and invigorating.
“Stand Alones” have the courage to “stand up and go it alone” if and when they have to. The one extra “chromosome” that they develop, gives the “Stand Alones” that spectacular edge over anyone they come in contact with or invariably come up against.
A “Stand Alone” has the fortitude and know-how to stand firm when everyone around them are losing it. They have the strength to remain upright when everyone and everything around them are collapsing and are unsettled.
To “Stand Alone” is not to only go it alone. To ” Stand Alone” is also to push and pull with everyone and make sure they all make it to the other side.
To” Stand Alone” is to be the one that turns off the lights and the last one to say goodnight but most important of all, it’s the one who has the courage, endurance and strength of character to be the one standing guard, eyes wide open . . . and alone if need be.
THE BOTTOM LINE: It’s time for you to learn how to be a “leader.” “Stand-Alones” are “leaders” and they’re not necessarily born that way. Learning how to become a leader is about you and your personal development and not, about “leading” anyone else, if that’s what you want.
Becoming aware of the “principles of leadership” will provide you with the tools to build the confidence, courage and wherewithal to tap into your passion, find your purpose and launch your own Success Quest with victory as a safe bet.
There are thousands of definitions, descriptions and opinions of what a leader is or should be. I like to keep things simple so here’s my point of view of what I perceive a leader to be:
1-A leader can be your supervisor at work or the colleague who sits next to you in your office.
2-A leader cares about their success and is willing to share what they know with others.
3-A leader’s top 3 traits are: Compassion, Inquisitiveness and Perseverance.
4-A leader has a “panoramic view” of the world around them. They’re vigilant and observant.
5- Effective leaders are “decent” people but, not necessarily paragons of virtue.
6-Leaders pay attention to their own mental and physical health first and foremost. They’re in touch with who they are and how they feel and, they know when it’s time for them to advance or retreat, in order to have the strength to “fight another day.”
7-Leaders are P.I.’s., “Perpetually Inquisitive,” and always looking for “Answers.” Leaders are enthusiastic about “Questions, Information and Information Aggregation.” Leaders understand that information, knowledge and, how and when to apply it all, are profound sources of power.
8-Leaders understand that networking and developing meaningful relationships are essential for achieving victory on their personal or business Success Quest.
9-Leaders believe in, and apply, “Positivity” to their lives but, they mix in healthy doses of Posi-negativism and realism, to balance life’s prescribed equation for success.
10- Leaders, last but not at all the least, really like themselves and are comfortable in their own skin, so much so, that they feel very safe and secure talking to themselves out loud (Try it. It’s amazingly cathartic ). Through the process of introspection and up-close and personal negotiations with themselves, they know where they’re going, they know who they are and most important of all, they like what they see.
Become a “Googlearian” and follow this link for more information on “what does it take to be a leader, OR how to become a “Stand-Alone.”
Things to Know #7
“Teach your grandmother to suck eggs”
Defined: When people say, ‘don’t teach your grandmother to suck eggs’, they mean that people shouldn’t try to teach someone who has experience or is an expert in that area. Don’t offer advice to someone who has more experience than oneself, learn from them.
#1-These days this proverbial saying has little impact as few people have any direct experience of sucking eggs – grandmothers included. It is quite an old phrase and is included in John Stevens’ translation of Quevedo’s Comical Works, 1707: “You would have me teach my Grandame to suck Eggs.”
2#-Perhaps its meaning is getting lost in time as few people nowadays literally suck eggs. Many years ago, people would suck out the egg contents by piercing the egg at both ends and then sucking on one of the ends. You could reverse the procedure and blow out the contents also. It was such a commonplace procedure then that to “teach your grandmother to suck eggs” was like a child trying to teach as new, something the grandmother well knew how to do. The saying still survives despite the fine art dying out in our “civilized” and salmonella fearing culture.
The advice that this idiom brings to mind is straightforward and timeless.
“It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” -Apple CEO Steve Jobs
There are several messages that I thought about when I came across this idiom about grandma sucking eggs:
A- Mamas always tell their daughters to “Marry Up, Never Down.” Now I would tell them, and their male counterparts, to definitely always “Hire Up, Never Down.”
1- In your own business or one where you’re an executive, always hire people “smarter” than you and 1- Learn from them and you get smarter, and just as important, 2- Leave them alone and let them do what smart people do best.
2-In your personal lives and business lives always hire the “best and smartest” of any profession, from a graphic designer, to a landscaper, to a defense lawyer. The old adage “you get what you pay for” is unassailable and will live an eternal indestructible existence.
You have a better chance of remedying your situation in the fastest, most effective and most economical way by paying more to hire the “best and the smartest” that you can find.
B- Growing up, Mamas always preached to all of us that people judge you by the company that you keep and now, as a grownup, that still is as valid today as it was when your parents first championed it. Hang out with “better” and you get “better.”
C- Hiring “smarter” than you and hanging out with “better” than you, is a no brainer if success in life and/or business is your goal. This is not a process for you to experience and then feel inferior to others. This is a master plan for you to use to your advantage and, kick your personal development progress up to warp-speed and experience all that you want in life.
Your Master Plan: This is about understanding and fully absorbing what you’re able to draw from smarter and better people and subsequently, you become smarter, better and more successful than everybody, which will empower you and will enable you, to pay it forward to others.This is a “life balancing equation” that needs to be followed and respected for it to be sustainable for you.
It’s the way for you to become smarter, better and more successful at what you do. It’s the way to be exposed to “bigger” opportunities and be exposed to “bigger” more successful people who could help raise you up and help you become victorious on your Success Quest.
“A person only learns in two ways, one by reading and the other by association with smarter people.”- Will Rogers 1879-1935
“If you’re making $4,000 per month, start hanging out with people making $5000 per month. They’re thinking differently than you are to make that extra $1000.” – Justice Wordlaw IV
“The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good people to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.” – Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president of the United States
“It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.”- Warren Buffett
“Hire people who are better than you are, then leave them to get on with it. Look for people who will aim for the remarkable, who will not settle for the routine.”- David Ogilvy
Remember “Life Balancing Equations” ??? Life is definitely “Deliciously Unkempt & Downright Messy but, by following what you’ve read in this article it could become “Outrageously Rewarding and Enormously Breathtaking.”
It’s all up to you. It’s time. It’s your time. It’s your turn. If not you then who? If not now then when?
The information that you reviewed here is of paramount importance for launching and developing a Success Quest, your Success Quest. Its usefulness and versatility, will also reveal and prove itself, way beyond the starting gate. Adopt this information and make them an integral part of your Success Support Arsenal to freely use at any point on your Success Quest and beyond.
Thank you for taking the time to read my article. I hope it helps you. Good luck.
Please feel free to explore my blog and in particular, please read ‘The t.r.i.p Concept’ and the ‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept.’
The two concepts, a total of 9 separate components, are made up of a total of 170 pages with approx. 44,000 words. Each component is easy to read and they’re meant to be individually reviewed slowly and deliberately.
If you go to the top of the Its All Possible home page, you’ll see the two concepts listed and each one has a drop down that lists the components and allows for you to access one component at a time.
Here’s how it lays out:
‘The t.r.i.p Concept’: Part #1-Truth; Part #2- Reality; Part #3- Inspiration; Part #4- Positivity
‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’: Part #1-Inspiration; Part #2-Motivation; Part #3- Action; Part #4-People; Part # 5- Persistence.”
Your Success Support Arsenal: ‘The t.r.i.p Concept’ gets you to the starting gate; ‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’ gets you to the finish line.
- Phase 1: The t.r.i.p Concept: Truth + Reality + Inspiration+ Positivity
- Phase 2: The i.m.a.p.p Concept: Inspiration + Motivation + Action + People + Persistence
- Phase 3: The two concepts begin working in tandem and now in phase 3 they’re all working together. Combining all the components in both concepts creates a firm foundation for a very compelling Success Support Arsenal.
If you have any questions or advice, please feel free to email me at [email protected]
I welcome all comments. Actually, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Raw or well done, I’ll take it all.
Once again, thank you very much for stopping by.
Extra Stuff- My concepts and all the articles I’ll write, are all backed by:
Over 55 years of “street” experience.
- Over 40 years of starting and building physical, virtual world and internet businesses.
- Over 40 years of starting and building many different types of businesses.
- Becoming a millionaire and then “turning my back” and “walking” away from it. I will get it back. I have many powerful and impactful teachable moments to share.
- Knowing hundreds and hundreds of wealthy and/or successful men and woman over 60.
- Knowing hundreds and hundreds of wealthy and/or successful men and women under 60
- Knowing thousands of successful people from all around the world through face to face networking, social media and as serving as President of Macaby Group, an international company.
- Started, and never stopped, reading and studying about Positivity and Success back in 1975 as a young Stockbroker trainee for a brokerage company named E.F. Hutton. They gave us the book, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, to read and study as part of our training program.
- Dreamed of being rich since 1962, when I was 10 years old and when my father left for the first time. He left a total of 3 times. Finally, he was gone for good the third time. You know the saying . . .
- My attitude: “You may see me struggle but you will never see me quit.”
- Over 40 years of doing many smart things and doing some very dumb things. Huge lessons learned.
- I’m a good “beginner” and I’ve learned many, many, many things from my over 40 years of mistakes and missteps.
Please read my “about” page for more information and visit:
My Facebook Pages: If you’re an animal lover, please come meet 5000 other animal loving friends on my Facebook page. Need some positivity? Please visit my Facebook page for positive messages.
My Twitter Page: Need another dose of positivity? Please visit my twitter page.
My Linked-in Page: Please come visit me here and read additional articles that I’ve written and see what my day job is all about.
My blog is about building a powerful “two way” success support community and your participation is respectfully requested, needed and greatly appreciated.
Warm Regards,
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