Welcome to Component #4 of ‘The t.r.i.p Concept’: Positivity
This is not another article purely about “How to be Positive.” This article is also about using negativism to effect positive and productive outcomes for you and the people you care about. This article is about being real. This article is about victory for you and your Success Quest in life or business. This article is about your big picture. This is one of four components that make up ‘The t.r.i.p Concept’ that, in its entirety, is a powerfully energized and insightful tool for your Success Support Arsenal.
This article, this particular component, is about creating and coating you and your situation, or event, in an impenetrable shroud of protection and sustainability.
Your Success Quest, and it’s inevitable favorable outcome, needs to have a healthy mix of Positivity and Negativity. You need to know where you’re going and what you’re looking for. You need to move forward with “eyes wide open.” You need to have a positive, mentally fortified mind-set that you will be victorious.
You know, that we know, that you know all the reasons why you’re going to absolutely, positively make it happen and make your dreams come true. Do you know what will derail your plans? Do you know what could precipitate your failure? Do you know how to discern the danger signs of your future or the signs for impending calamity? Unless you’re a clairvoyant or a fortune-teller the answer is obviously “no.”
Enter the dynamic duo, Positivity and Posi-Negativity to the rescue.
Positivity Defined: 1-the quality or state of being positive 2-something that is positive 3- Characterized by or displaying certainty, acceptance, or affirmation: a positive answer; positive criticism. 4-Measured or moving forward or in a direction of increase or progress: positive steps. 5-Desirable, admirable, or beneficial: a woman with many positive qualities; the positive features of this new software. 6-Optimistic or constructive: a positive attitude.
“You see things; and you say “Why?” But I dream things that never were; and I say “Why not?” George Bernard Shaw
Negativism Defined: the practice of being, or tendency to be, negative or skeptical in attitude while failing to offer positive suggestions or views. Negative Defined: a word or statement that expresses denial, disagreement, or refusal. Expressing or implying denial, disagreement, or (refusal of a word, clause, or proposition) expressing denial, negation, or refutation; stating or asserting that something is not the case.
POSI-NEGATIVISM: (a label I created) The belief that “Negative Emotions” or “a Negative Mind’s-Eye”, positively exist to protect, support and guide you in life and business. Negativism could be positive and productive.” I will be using the labels “Negative” and “Posi-Negative.
Any attempt to discuss and/or apply Positivity without equal time for Negativity would have the unintended consequence of weakening and undermining any idea or situation that you’re trying to build or revitalize.
In particular, one significant grim effect that it does have is that it will unfortunately impair two very powerful implements in our life and business Success Support Arsenal: Intuition and Discernment.
• Intuition- the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning; a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.
• Discernment- “Simple Definition of discernment”- the ability to “see” and understand people, things, or situations clearly and intelligently.
You need information from both sides of the positive/negative correlation, in order for you to be able to make decisions that would be empowering enough, to run the appropriate interference, that’s needed for you and your situation or event. The most accurate and current information is essential to ensure that both your cerebral and instinctive centers can function in the most intensive zones and at the highest levels.
“I think two of the greatest gifts any of us can have are intuition and discernment. Most of us understand intuition as those small whispers, cautions, warning blips or flags. Hopefully, we stop to listen and that’s where discernment can really help us out. Discernment, then, is really about having (or developing) the ability to weed out the clutter, the noise, and get to the point of being able to hear our intuition and get to the heart of the matter. It’s an intangible tool that serves us in the tangible world. It lives in close proximity to our souls and we need to use it.” – Anne Westhart
On the two “emotion” lists in ‘The t.r.i.p Concept’ Part 2 “Reality “, the names/labels assigned to positive and negative emotions abound. These 2 lists will assist you and present you with the opportunity to sort out how you’re feeling in any moment of time. Recognizing, realizing and then “branding” the emotion or emotions that you’re experiencing, could and should, help set you on the path to accurate perception and sound thinking and judgement.
In the case of positive and negative feelings emerging at the same time, conflict inevitably rears its ugly head.
What’s a human to do?
A list of emotion names like these are great tools for support in penetrating the bewilderment and confusion that you’re faced with. These lists will aid in the disentanglement of your feelings thus providing a clear view of the emotion or emotions that are wrapped around you.
For me, the most underestimated, most neglected and most misunderstood group of emotions are the negative emotions. The conflict emerges because the two sides are looked at and are judged as polar opposites. One’s the good feeling and the other is the bad feeling.
To Reiterate and Accentuate: My declaration statement for the purpose of this post is: “Negativism could be positive and productive.” I will be using the labels “Negative” and “Posi-Negative.”
It’s your preference, your option, to simply endure and buckle under the effect of negative emotions or modify your preconceived notion of “negative” and use it to empower yourself and to protect yourself and the ones you love.
I believe that Positive and Negative feelings and emotions are intensely interconnected and denial of that leads to confusion and uncertainty. I’m not a psychologist or a doctor of any kind. I’m only here to discuss how I make my life work and how I approach situations, ideas and opportunities and break them down into the simplest forms possible.
A Personal Message: I’m hoping that by reading about my success and setbacks, my very smart and very dumb moves and about what I’ve learned over my 64 years on earth, you’ll be able to use these lessons to move forward in your life and reach your goals and make your dreams come true. For this blog only, and with no disrespect intended, I’m plopping myself into the role of a humble “mentor.” I sincerely hope that I’m able to reduce your life and business learning curve by 10-20 years . . . depending on how badly you want to transform your situation.
ONWARDS AND UPWARDS . . .or . . .here’s how the Positive/Negative balancing act has worked for me:
PERSONAL NOTE: It’s now time to shift into a prophylactic mode and apply the following precautionary and preventive initiatives that have served me well in business and in my personal life. At the same time though, I also have incontrovertible proof, both in my business and personal life’s, that when I tried to circumvent these steps or insanely ignored them I got turned upside down and sideways and inherited a legacy of regret with an indelibly painful education thrown in as the sweetener.
I developed and modified these personal initiatives over 45 years and this is the first time I’m putting it all down on “paper” and enumerating them.
Seven Steps On How to Use Positive and Posi-Negative influences to Succeed in Life and Business or How to Mitigate or Avoid Disaster in any Situation:
Step 1-Set out consciously and deliberately to get some ole’ fashioned inspiration. Please see ‘The t.r.i.p Concept’ Component # 3 Inspiration or ‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’ Component #1 Inspiration
Step 2- Congratulations . . . You’ve discovered a brilliant idea to solve or improve a life or business situation or you’re really brilliant and you’ve uncovered/discovered a need or desire that the world doesn’t yet know that it needs, or desires, and one that will make Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook look like a high school gossip rag. Hey congratulations again, maybe you formulated a plan for peace and tranquility at home or between good friends. These 7 steps work for any situation in your life.
Please read my article about “Questions” on this Blog to help find opportunities. It’s titled ” Questions:The Most Powerful Tool in Your Success Support Arsenal is Free and Available 24/7. Are You Using it?”
Just to Keep in Mind For Now: Start everything with a positive attitude, a hopeful attitude but also be on the lookout for the negative. Use your “Negative Mind’s-Eye” to deliberately and intentionally look for and find the “bad Stuff” that could hurt you and your venture. Welcome and embrace reality and bring it into the process. Be open and honest with yourself.
The use of a “Negative Mind’s Eye” is only to assess what could happen to impede your success. “Find it- fix it- move it” should be the mantra of your Success Quest.
A “Negative Mind’s Eye” is used to build a preservation shield to protect and serve you. Use the negative aspects of a situation as a reference point for “positive change” and subsequently, an enduring resolution. That’s all this exercise is about. . No more no less. Find the negative and change it before it gets out of control or undermines your Success Quest. It’s an alert or warning that something is off and needs the attention of the resident adult in charge.
Step 3-You’ve been repeating this out loud to yourself 22 times a day; “Be positive and stay Positive.” At this point you’ve done all the Positive research. You have it all documented and you know that it’s a great idea and that you’ll succeed magnificently and unequivocally. You have scores of reasons why everything will turn out the exact way you want them to and you have the unassailable research to back it up.
Keep it up. This is an empowering thought process needed by all.
You must have full and unwavering faith and confidence that you’ll make it happen. I’ll take you through the steps to make sure you get the proper support. You’re not alone out here. We’re all with you. There are plenty of people physically and virtually in the digital world, who have the experience and willingness to help you.
It’s time now to really shake things up on purpose, get real, blow the lid off the whole situation and get to the truth. Hold on tight. This is where most people yield and fold. They’ll see what could go wrong. They’ll see how they could fail upfront and personal.
This is the good news. Yes, the good news.
Uncovering and isolating the dark side or the down side of your venture or situation, is what can help you succeed,but it will take patience, time and experience to acclimate yourself to the process and the uneasiness that it usually brings.
This “Posi-Negative examination” process and the resulting revelations of the insidious and challenging events awaiting you and your Success Quest, will ultimately lead you to an extremely satisfying victory.
In the beginning it can create distress and physical discomfort. It can generate anxiousness and apprehension. It can bring sadness and regret. We all go through it. It’s just about getting up close and personal with reality. The truth will not only set you free but it may turn your world upside down and send you in a very different direction from the one you planned for.
BUT . . .at the “other end” of all this is the world you want to live in. It’s all your dreams coming true and living life the way you want to live life. There’s hope. There’s happiness. There’s success. It’s shifting your life from the ordinary to the extraordinary.
You’ll look back, be thankful and see that applying Posi-Negativism was a major game changer and that it revealed adversities that could have put you out of business or have set your plans back an immeasurable amount of time.
The difficult emotions that you live with through the venture development stage will always be evident throughout your life but as you gain more experience they do get much lighter to carry around. These difficult emotions, as you’ll see, are truly your allies.
Actually, over time as you get used to them, you’ll learn to respect them and use them to your advantage. You’ll welcome them. You’ll eventually get to the point where you’ll be able to confidently re-label them and re-classify them.
You might consider the new label to be your “Gut Feelings.”
JUST PREPARE AND BEWARE: If you turn back now you’re going to be reunited with legions of faint-hearted, timorous people who are still regretting the things they dreamt about doing but never did. You can’t fail if you refuse to give up and give in. You just can’t.
“The t.r.i.p Concept” (truth+ reality+ inspiration+ positivity) will get you to the starting gate and “The i.m.a.p.p Concept” (inspiration + motivation+ action+ people+ persistence) will get you to the finish line. Two very simple blueprints for success. Both equations must accompany you on your quest to succeed in order for prosperity and well -being to be attainable.
PERSONAL NOTE: All components of both equations are indispensable and essential for you to succeed. Speaking from experience I’ve found that Persistence and People as discussed in “The i.m.a.p.p Concept” represent the lifeblood of achieving your goals and making your dreams come true.
Just felt it was worth mentioning here at this time:
Persistence has to come from a particular position inside of you that is impenetrable to anyone including you.
• It has to be an inextricable part of who you are. It has to be a natural push and it has to be intense.
• The attitude of “I’ll never give up” will only produce solid results when you adopt a highly discriminating quality level of the inspiration, motivation and the success support that you wrap around yourself.
Success Support is about people. You want and need people. Not just any people.
• You need cheerleaders, positive people. People who are quick to whisper “it’s going to be ok. I know you could do it. I’m here for you no matter what.”
• You need people who care about you and where the trust and respect that exists is indestructibly mutual.
• You need smart, experienced people. Hopefully smarter and with more experience than you. Books, articles, quotes, people networking and group networking are other possible success support sources.
• Your family and Friends could make or break you. Love them to pieces, keep them in your life forever but for your protection make sure you discreetly, respectfully and thoughtfully isolate and compartmentalize each one.
• We have all types of friends. We have friends for all different reasons. We have “go to a horror movie” friends, we have friends we could have deep talks with, we have friends with benefits, we have friends we talk trash with and we have friends who we get stupid drunk with etc. etc. etc.
• You want the smart, confident, rational, positive, “it can be done attitude” and “what do you need from me attitude” friends and family members around you when you’re on your quest for success.
Everyone else? Remember these two words and never forget them: isolate and compartmentalize.
Step 4- The Due Diligence Journey or “Let’s Get Positively Negative.”
- “Due diligence is the process of systematically researching and verifying the accuracy of a statement, idea or situation. Due diligence is an investigation of a business or person prior to signing a contract, or an act with a certain standard of care. It can be a legal obligation, but the term will more commonly apply to voluntary investigations.”
WARNING: Surround your idea, solution or decision with impenetrable Positivity. Do not judge, do not ask for opinions, do not question it or question yourself until all the information gleaned from the following step has been thoroughly, rigorously and exhaustively researched and subsequently vetted.
Strategic Negativism: is a process whereby we’re looking for everything that you think could go wrong, know that could go wrong and imagine to go wrong and then, is subsequently Identified, Verified, Classified and then Modified.
In other words, we’re being Posi-Negative.
For further support for your Strategic Negativism exercise, please see my article here on Its All Possible: How to Cope, Survive and Thrive On Your Personal or Business Success Quest. Here you’ll meet the Beast Buster and much more.
The Beast Buster: This is a basic course of action I use to solve all provocations, disagreements, hot mess issues, unpredictable situations, challenges, problems and any other adverse situation that arises. I use this process to identify and uncover “obvious, latent, current and future” obstacles, setbacks and, once again, adverse situations. I also use this process to gather, evaluate and categorize all the information.
The basic configuration of this course of action is: identify, verify, classify, modify and Actify.
I use this course of action in its entirety, or I adjust and adapt the individual pieces to the situation at hand. The most important aspect of this process is that it serves as another very reliable and compelling tool in your Success Support Arsenal that’s used for information aggregation, investigation, detection, identification, exposition, education and fact-finding.
Another powerful Success Support Tool is “Asking Questions.” Please read my article on the subject of questions. This will help you immeasurably with your Strategic Negativism exercise and way beyond that.
The central issue at this point is to get to the dark side or the down side of our “reality” for the current situation. Our intention is to get it all out and on the table, examine it up close and personal, then determine if we’re up for what it reveals.
Strategy is the thinking aspect of planning a change; Tactics are the things that get the job done.
It’s only about strategy at this point.
It’s only all about the idea or solution.
It’s not about how you’ll actually physically do it, it’s only about the viability for now.
- Is the idea a good idea? What makes it a good idea? What’s the “arguments for and against”? What are the strengths and weaknesses? It’s about everything that’s intangible. It’s about everything needed to do, just up to but not including, “opening the doors or walking out the door” and doing it.
- It’s about your business plan or it’s about your plan for straightening out a personal issue. It’s not about doing anything yet. It’s about How am I going to do it? . . .When am I going to do it? . . . With whom am I going to do it with?
- It’s about “Get Ready, Aim, Wait, Wait, Wait and Wait some more.
- Dig deep and search excessively and manically for the “negative” from the all the information and research. Look intensely and thoroughly for Posi-Negative ways that you could be wickedly affected or harmed. Keep a record of everything you find.
- There’s no such thing as a minor detail. View them all as a Trojan horse ready to be opened and the contents ready and able to pounce on you. Be positively negative. Being Posi-Negative here will protect and insulate you from the “bad stuff.” It will be a call for your “Negative Mind’s Eye” to be “Eyes wide open.”
- This is never about you, your motives, desires or fears. Do not apply this process to your state of mind.
- It’s strictly a dispassionate process to minimize your risk and exposure and to support, accentuate and maximize the positive upside if you eventually ascertain that there is one that’s worth the time and effort.
- Questions to ask- The power of asking the right questions is enormous. Which are the right ones? No one knows for sure? Ask as many questions as possible and be creative about the questions that are asked and you’ll eventually uncover the right ones. Create as many questions as you can that will uncover negative information.
This is the key to the whole process: “Asking the Right Questions.” Once again, please see my article about “Questions” here on Its All Possible.
A Reminder: The central issue at this point is to get the dark side of “reality” out and on the table, examine it up close and personal, then determine if you’re up for what it reveals.
- Sample questions : What if . . .? Who, What, Where, when, why and How? What’s the worst that will happen if . . .? Who needs it? Is it depressing to do? Will everybody be happy? If not, who won’t be happy? Will it hurt, maim or kill anyone? How will it affect my life in a hurtful way? How can it hurt me financially? Who are the people we’ll be involved with? How can they hurt us? How can competition hurt us? Who is the Competition? Are they global or next door? What can put us out of business? Do we have the time to make it work?
- If you let your imagination run wild and ask the craziest to the most basic questions about your situation, you’ll be amazed at the answers and information that will surface.
- Remember, the more questions you honestly and ruthlessly ask and answer, the better your chances are to effect a result where the possibility of success rises dramatically and exponentially and at the very least, you’ll uncover pitfalls and potential threats to your situation.
Step 5-The Big Decision- This is the point where you have determined the direction that you’re going in. You’re moving forward? Yes? That’s great. Congratulations. We’re assuming you now know what to watch out for and what to do to protect yourself.
The fragile and dangerously exposed points of the situation that could be detrimental to your plans have been identified and you’ve analyzed your risk/reward ratio. You’ve reinforced and fortified all the weak points and now you’re excited to move to the next step.
Wait!!! There’s one more incredible fact of “reality” that you’re missing . . .
No matter how hard or intense your due diligence and research rolled out you probably only have 60%-80% of the facts that shape your reality. This has nothing to do with your talent, competency or business acumen. A simplified answer for now is that 1- “it is what it is.” 2- you’re not a fortune teller and 3- “shit happens”
So what’s the deal?
Remember intuition and discernment? This is a subject for an entire post at a later date. For now, you must take note and be aware of 3 important points:
1- Listen to your intuition and have faith in what you discern.
“I think two of the greatest gifts any of us can have are intuition and discernment. Most of us understand intuition as those small whispers, cautions, warning blips or flags. Hopefully, we stop to listen and that’s where discernment can really help us out. Discernment, then, is really about having (or developing) the ability to weed out the clutter, the noise, and get to the point of being able to hear our intuition and get to the heart of the matter. It’s an intangible tool that serves us in the tangible world. It lives in close proximity to our souls and we need to use it.” Anne Westhart
- Intuition- the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning; a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.
- Discernment- “Simple Definition of discernment”- the ability to see and understand people, things, or situations clearly and intelligently.
2-Listen to your “gut.” Get your intuition and discernment working. Read and review all your research a few times over then take some time off and walk away. A few days is not going to change anything except that it may save you from needless challenges. Speak with trusted human advisors or look for new articles on the internet related or connected to your situation. Now go have fun and don’t think about anything. Give your mind a rest. Give your intuition and discernment room to speak to you.
- How do they do that? Your feelings act as a conduit and it comes in the way of a euphoric feeling, a sad or foreboding feeling, a feeling that you sense you’re being communicated with.
3- The Bad News: You cannot trust that a feeling is trying to persuade or dissuade you. The Good News: You can trust that a feeling is trying to persuade or dissuade you.
What’s up with this???
- Simplified answer alert: In order for your intuition and discernment to be able to aid and support you it needs as much of the facts as possible. They thrive on facts and then mix it with what they know about you, your comfort level, your capabilities and prior information that you’ve absorbed over time. Intuition and Discernment without all the facts is like a printer with no magenta color ink. The more facts you find and mentally absorb , the more accurate and reliant the dynamic duo become and the more comfortable you should be that you’re making good decisions with them involved.
Intuition and Discernment is, in my opinion, the most important part of who you are that will enable you to find and lead a very successful personal and business life.
It’s critical that this discussion should continue. I will go into depth on this subject in future posts.
You’re ready for the next step . .
Step 6- Tactical Negativism is a process whereby everything that you think could go wrong, know that will go wrong and imagine to go wrong is Identified, Verified, Classified and then Modified.
Strategy is the thinking aspect of planning a change; Tactics are the things that get the job done.
- The process here is exactly the same as we used in Step 4, Strategic Negativism, except now you’ll be focusing on the tangible assets and physical actions you’ll use to launch and physically move forward towards a resolution regarding your aspirations or situation.
The differences between Strategic and Tactical: Strategy is an idea; tactics are actions.
- Strategy fulfills your predetermined goals and objectives; tactics are the things that make it happen.
- Strategy is a plan for reaching a specific goal, while a tactic is the means you use to reach the goal.
- Strategic Negativism is planning and everything up to and including the locked door. Tactical Negativism is what happens after the door is unlocked and opened and you’re ready to step out..
This Step 6, Tactical Negativism, calls for you to list everything on how you’re going to make things physically happen.
• Obviously I have no way of knowing your exact circumstances. What I will suggest here is that you use the who, what, where, when, why and how questions, always leaning to the negative side of any fact or figure.
• Being Negative here is being positive, or as I have branded it . . . Posi-Negative. If you initiate and execute this step with passion, eagerness and respect, you’ll be pleasantly surprised how the process will help you fend off failure before you even start.
If everything looks good, it’s time to “just do it”. Good Luck.
One more thing . . . One more critical far-reaching step left.
You now can start your journey and keep moving forward but . . .
This step separates the superstars from the rest of the crowd. This step is extremely volatile and variable. This step will ensure that you not only succeed in the short run but it will support and nurture your success well in to the future. It will provide for the coveted long term success in all your undertakings.
Step #7– Qualitative Negativism is a process whereby everything that you think could go wrong, know that will go wrong and imagine to go wrong is identified, verified, classified and then modified.
This is the same as Step #4and Step #6 but this is a weekly exercise that must be played out with discipline and with a sense of urgency. This is about positive paranoia.
Qualitative Defined:
1-Associated with the subjective quality of a thing or phenomenon, such as feel, taste, expertise, image, leadership, reputation etc.
2-Qualitative aspects are abstract; they either do not require measurement or cannot be measured because the reality they represent can only be approximated. Knowledge of these aspects is gained through observation combined with interpretative understanding of the underlying thing or phenomenon.
There are 3 simple mandates you must follow to attain long term success under this step:
1- “Expect the worst.” Sorry that’s it: You need to start questioning yourself and your circumstances today. The actual wording of the questions will depend on whether you’re working on a business or personal undertaking:
- For Business: How could we put ourselves out of business? How can the competition put us out of business? What are we doing right today? What are we doing wrong today? Is our idea still viable? Do we still think it’s a winner? What’s all the things that can go wrong? How does our future look on the negative end now that we started? etc. etc. etc.
- For Personal: How can I make sure that the everyone will stay friends? How is everyone still doing? How are they feeling? What else can I do to make sure the peace will be maintained? Do I see any signs that trouble is brewing? What can I do about it?
2-Be Relentless; Be Persistent: Do not back off until you get answers. Keep the pressure on high and demand answers from everyone. . . yourself included. Do not accept loser answers like” I don’t know” or “there’s nothing.” You will fail if you accept that kind of bullshit from yourself or from your associates.
Role Play Weekly: Let your imagination go wild. Any situation that you make up for the role playing probably exists. Don’t worry, your imagination will not exceed the world’s reality. Think of the worst and the most powerful down sides possible. The harsher and scarier the safer and better your future will be.
Whatever you come up with has a better than even chance of happening. You’re just getting ahead of it by being Posi-Negative (negative in a positive way) and unearthing it before it smacks you in the face.
By the way, the bad news? . . . You’re never going to uncover 100% of what’s coming at you. The good news? . . . The more you do it, the more intense and consistently it’s done, the odds will be in your favor that you may get to see 60% -70% of the scary stuff coming at you.
The other 30%-40% ? Your intuition and discernment will play a huge role there. You’ll have been through so many fire drills that you’ll feel confident that you’ll be ok, you’ll be ready for anything and that you’ll make it to the other side with minor bruising.
3- Defend Yourself: Uncover all the challenges that you can on a weekly basis. Don’t stop and don’t edit. Don’t judge. Now work on solutions and steps that you must take to defend or protect yourself. Role play again. Bear down and take it seriously. In case of fire you’ll be glad you maintained a weekly fire drill schedule.
Leave this step out and the exercise is a waste of everyone’s time. You’ll never know what hits you when “it comes” and then, it’s usually too late to do anything. You can make it though. You can survive and flourish. You just have to put the time and effort in to effect a high level of self-preservation.
Now go out and solve all your problems and/or make all your dreams come true. Just keep that “Negative Mind’s Eye” wide open.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read the entire 4 parts of The t.r.i.p Concept post. If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to me.
Good Luck. Stay safe out there. Never give up on your dreams.
Thank you for taking the time to read my article. I hope it helps you.
At the end of this post, for your convenience, there are direct links to each part of “The t.r.i.p Concept” and “The i.m.a.p.p Concept.
The two concepts, a total of 9 separate components, are made up of a total of 170 pages with approx. 44,000 words. Each component is easy to read and they’re meant to be independently reviewed slowly and deliberately.
If you go to the top of the home page here on Its All Possible, you’ll see the two concepts listed and each one has a drop down that lists the components and allows for you to access one component at a time.
Here’s how it lays out:
“The t.r.i.p Concept”: Part #1-Truth; Part #2- Reality; Part #3- Inspiration; Part #4- Positivity
“The i.m.a.p.p Concept”: Part #1-Inspiration; Part #2-Motivation; Part #3- Action; Part #4-People; Part # 5- Persistence.”
Your Success Support Arsenal: ‘The t.r.i.p Concept’ gets you to the starting gate; ‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’ gets you to the finish line.
- Phase 1: The t.r.i.p Concept: Truth + Reality + Inspiration+ Positivity
- Phase 2: The i.m.a.p.p Concept: Inspiration + Motivation + Action + People + Persistence
- Phase 3: The two concepts begin working in tandem and now in phase 3 they’re all working together. Combining all the components in both concepts creates a firm foundation for a very compelling Success Support Arsenal.
I welcome all comments. Actually, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Raw or well done, I’ll take it all.
Direct Links to Each Part of “The t.r.i.p Concept” & “The i.m.a.p.p Concept”
“The t.r.i.p Concept”: This Concept Will Get You to The Starting Gate.
Part #1 Truth: “The t.r.i.p Concept”
Part #2 Reality: “The t.r.i.p Concept”
Part #3 Inspiration: “The t.r.i.p Concept”
Part #4 Positivity: “The t.r.i.p Concept”
“The i.m.a.p.p Concept”: This Concept Will Get You to the Finish Line.
Part #1 Inspiration Too: “The i.m.a.p.p Concept”
Part #2 Motivation: “The i.m.a.p.p Concept”
Part #3 Action: “The i.m.a.p.p Concept”
Part #4 People: “The i.m.a.p.p Concept”
Part #5 Persistence: “The i.m.a.p.p Concept”
Once again, thank you very much for stopping by and if you have any questions or advice, please feel free to email me at [email protected]
Extra Stuff- My concepts and all the articles I’ll write, are all backed by:
- Over 55 years of “street” experience.
- Over 40 years of starting and building physical, virtual world and internet businesses.
- Over 40 years of starting and building many different types of businesses.
- Becoming a millionaire and then “turning my back” and “walking” away from it. I’m much stronger now than I was then and I know exactly what I did wrong. I’m working on getting it back. Please feel free to come along with me on my Success Quest and I hope that you bring your Success Quest along as well. I would love the company and besides, I have many powerful and impactful teachable moments to share.
- Knowing hundreds and hundreds of wealthy and/or successful men and woman over 60.
- Knowing hundreds and hundreds of wealthy and/or successful men and women under 60
- Knowing thousands of successful people from all around the world through face to face networking, social media and as serving as President of Macaby Group, an international company.
- Started, and never stopped, reading and studying about Positivity and Success back in 1975 as a young Stockbroker trainee for a brokerage company named E.F. Hutton. They gave us the book, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, to read and study as part of our training program.
- Dreamed of being rich since 1962, when I was 10 years old and when my father left for the first time. He left a total of 3 times. Finally, he was gone for good the third time. You know the saying . . .
- My attitude: “You may see me struggle but you will never see me quit.”
- Over 40 years of doing many smart things and doing some very dumb things. Huge lessons learned.
- I’m a good “beginner” and I’ve learned many, many, many things from my over 40 years of mistakes and missteps.
Please read my “about” page for more information and visit:
My Facebook Pages:
www.facebook.com/barry.sarner If you’re an animal lover, please come meet 5000 other animal loving friends on my Facebook page.
www.positivemessagesuniverse.com Need some positivity? Please visit my Facebook page for positive messages.
My Twitter Page:
www.twitter.com/barrysarner Need another dose of positivity? Please visit my twitter page.
My Linked-in Page:
www.linkedin.com/in/barrysarner Please come visit me here and read additional articles that I’ve written and see what my day job is all about.
My blog is about building a powerful “two way” success support community and your participation is respectfully requested, needed and greatly appreciated.
Warm Regards,
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