Welcome to Component #4 of ‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’: People
Life is a push/pull balancing act.
Some days you’re pushing and some days you’re being pushed. There are days where you have to pull and be pulled. Then there are the days where the push/pull becomes the tag team from hell and intermittently works together to wreak havoc all day long.
The resulting motion and agitation of the push/pull duo is viciously aggressive and extremely devitalizing. Your only thought is that you should have stayed in bed to hide under the covers.
Your daily existence can be compared to riding bumper cars in an amusement park. It could be addictive, exciting and lots of fun but…
You’re riding a bumper car and you see an opening to make a move on a loud, obnoxious, aggressive asshole who’s been “hurting” everyone including young kids. You floor it and you’re on your way to ramming the side of this creep’s bumper car and you’re lovin’ it. You know the impact will be straight on significant. You’re about to slam the car when, WHAM, you’ve been blindsided and hit on your side of the car pushing you off your course.
There are several ways to have avoided this hit, or maybe not. It’s open for discussion and will be represented by lots of opinions and stinging accusations all based on ego and raw emotion. Everyone’s a game genius on Monday morning when they whip out their 20/20 hindsight.
What’s not open for discussion is that there is unequivocally only one productive, sensible way to have reacted to this: Get your emotions in check; catch a deep breath; get control of your bumper car and go for it again or. . . just take a different route.
This is the productive, sensible choice but not necessarily the most desirable one that would have given you satisfaction, revenge and enabled you to push the bully through the wall.
My Opinion:” Life is not like a box of chocolates” it’s more like being strapped into a bumper car at the amusement park all day long and people “ramming” you and you “ramming” people.
You see, it always comes down to “People.”
Such is life.
We’ll examine this hard-wired link between people and the success, setbacks or disruptions in and around your personal space here in ‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’ Part 4 People.
The success, positivity, setbacks or disruptions in and around your personal space all have one thing in common. They all get their energy from the same source. This source exists in the form of unwelcome, unsolicited or, ironically at other times, greatly needed and desired support from outside human intervention. Thus the paradoxically confusing relationship that exists with other Humans and one that stands to cause confusion and anxiety, between your life’s blessings and burdens.
How can the same type of positive energy source, that so powerfully and affirmatively impacts you and your Success Quest, be the same power source that initiates your setbacks and disruptions?
One simple answer:
1-Some of the people are on your side.
2-Some of the people aren’t on your side.
3- And in too many cases: You have the wrong people on your side.
It’s really that simple . . .
This is all about “People,” and it’s all about one “Question”:
The one question that will lead you to all the answers you’ll need to build a successful life is a simple yet dramatically consequential one. This question and its subsequent answers will guide you on your success quest and help minimize the fleshly chaos that pays house calls to each and every one of us.
The Question: Who’s on Your Side?
This is the most important question you’ll ever have to ask yourself in your entire life. It’s the one question, along with all its answers, that will put you on the road to success and support you in anything you want to achieve.
How about if in sports, individual team members were playing to make themselves look good, and winning as team was a nonissue for them? They would never win of course. How about your receptionist bad mouthing your company every chance he gets? How about your “significant other” criticizing you in public or not supporting you in your desire to go after a lifetime dream of yours? You get the picture.
Success would be out of reach in any and all cases where individuals do not support each other when working together as a two-person or a twenty-person team. Failure would be a fait accompli.
Who’s on your side? This is the question that will provide the answers to the navigation and clarity you’ll need, to build your Success Support Community.
General Information about Success Support: Success Support is about people. You need the help and support of other humans to be triumphant in life’s endeavors, but not just any people:
For Your Information: The following points were originally briefly touched upon in “The t.r.i.p Concept”: Positivity.
1-You need supportive people. You need people who earnestly care about you very much and truly want to see you happy and successful. It doesn’t have to be family.
2-You need cheerleaders, positive Humans. Humans who are quick to whisper “it’s going to be ok. I know you could do it. I’m here for you no matter what.”
3-You need Humans who not only care about you but Humans, where the trust and respect that exists, is mutually indestructible. You need Humans that got your back and could be relied upon to tell you what they truthfully think and see on your East Side, and not betray you with gossip on your West Side.
4-You need smart, experienced Humans. Hopefully smarter and with more experience than you and me. I say this because you want to grow. You want to be better tomorrow than you are today. You need to learn, experience and be mentored, if possible, so that you become stronger each day.
You should aspire to move onward and upward every day, even if it’s only in small increments. It’s always better than staying anchored and going nowhere and besides, many times, small increments are even more productive and more satisfying.
It doesn’t take much to win or come out ahead. Let’s not forget that it only takes 1 point to win any game or sport. It only takes a fraction of an inch to win a race. If you save $1 per day for 50 years in a 5% interest bearing account, you’ll have over $79,000 in that account. $1 at a time, 1 point at a time, 1/16th of an inch at a time. . . Small Increments Rock.
Increments are non- intimidating and will get you to the finish line. You just need to add patience and fortitude to the mix and you’ll achieve your goals and make all your dreams come true, one small step at a time.
5-Books, articles, quotes, people networking and group networking are other possible Success Support sources. Success Support can easily be accessed on the internet as well as in Human to Human encounters. Millions of very smart, savvy Humans make themselves available through insightful, intelligent articles and e-books on every subject imaginable. They’re also available to speak with and to correspond through email and on site chats.
6-Your family and Friends could make or break you. Love them to pieces, keep them in your life forever but for your protection you may have to discreetly, respectfully and thoughtfully isolate and compartmentalize each one. Relying on family for Success Quest support is complicated and challenging.
7-We have all types of friends. We have friends for all different reasons. We have “go to a horror movie” friends, we have friends we could have deep talks with, we have friends with benefits, we have friends we talk trash with and we have friends who we get stupid drunk with etc. etc. etc.
The question of “Who’s on your side?” becomes more relevant and applicable when it lands in the friend’s category. Caution and vigilance becomes more compelling and additional safeguards and bulwarks are compulsory. You don’t want to ruin personal friendships if you can avoid it.
8-You need Humans that are confident, rational, positive. You need the “it can be done” and “what do you need from me” attitude kind of friends and (qualified) family members around you when you’re on your quest for success.
9– Blindside/Eastside/Westside: You must always respect yourself enough to sidestep and avoid, or walk away from, anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happy. To be able to do so, you not only have to rely on your own wits, composure, mental acuity and self-control, but also have the same attributes available in abundant supply, within a resourceful and fully developed Success Support Community, loyal to you.
You need a Success Support Community that remains vigilant and readily available to protect your Eastside (Front) and your Westside (Back) and warn you loud and clear when they actually see or suspect that a Blindside is coming your way.
The Bottom Line: Like it or not, people need each other if they’re going to be successful and happy in their personal and business lives, while functioning and building those lives in the physical and digital world.
Why do we need People?
The most basic and obvious reason that we need people is that we’re just not wired to be unsociable and reclusive beings living and functioning on our own with no human contact.
Only you can imagine your world without people. We’re talking about your close people and the people on the periphery who come into your life intermittently and at intervals on your life’s time line.
Each one of us has a different story and a cast of characters that without them, we know what life would have been like and what life could be like.
It is through a lifetime made up of an infinite number of ideas, interactions, and relationships that we develop into who we are, who we’ll become and who our children will be.
There are several types of people that you need to have on your side throughout your Success Quest in order to accomplish your goals and to meet with the success that you’ve dreamt about.
How do you assemble this Success Support Community?
The ‘Side-Effect’ (as in, who’s on your side?) Concept will help you:
As a physically protective and mentally insulating measure, it’s extremely prudent and vigorously suggested that when trying to determine where a person “stands” in your life that you always start by asking yourself “Are they on my side?”
Even if it’s obvious to you that they’re not “on your side “or you’re not really sure if they are, don’t displace them yet. Your relationship with them still could be mutually beneficial and I highly advise that you never burn the proverbial bridges with anyone. You just never know . . .
Onward and Upward: Who’s on Your “Side”?
The ‘Side-Effect’ Concept: A Success Support Tool to Build a Mighty Success Support Community.
Now, let’s create and break down ‘The Side-Effect’ Concept plan and determine what you need and who you need:
The “Driver Side”- The Prime Side:
This “Driver-Side” is your master “people” list and is about you and about your cast of “characters” that are joining you on your Success Quest and/or becoming part of your Success Support Community.
The first step is to make a master list of everyone that you believe to be on your side and, for one reason or another, you feel you need them involved or close by, when you launch your Success Quest.
These “people” could be family, friends or colleagues that you’d feel comfortable going to for advice, or any type of help or assistance. List them all on “The Drivers Side” list using the same sheet/sheets of paper at first, in order to be able to track and assess them later. All the subsequent “sides” categories should have their own separate lists as well. Putting them all in a folder and locking them up to make sure that they’re all out of reach and out of sight is essential for protecting your relationships with everyone.
The following different “sides” are going to be used to help you break down “The Drivers Side” list that you’re going to make and then you’ll compartmentalize and evaluate your Success Support Community using these various “sides” lists.
SideBar: Attempting to classify anyone would only be worthwhile and warranted if you felt that they play or could play an important role in your Success Support Community now and/or in the future.
We’re not looking to displace, eliminate or subordinate anyone’s position in your life. Think of compartmentalizing as a way of discerning and assigning a position for a person that will be on your Success Quest with you or an important part of your Success Support Community. The position must be appropriate for this individual so that it results in a mutually beneficial association and creates an emotionally frictionless relationship as much as possible.
Important: As you determine which list an individual’s name should be moved to, from The “Driver Side,” you should include notes on how and why you made that choice. Make notes about that person on both sides of their personal plus/minus chart. Warning: No one should view these lists but you, so you should feel comfortable and be brutally honest with yourself. It’s your life. It’s your future.
THE ‘Side-Effect’ LISTS: The following 5 categories are going to be used to help you break down “The Drivers Side” master list that you just finished. The following 5 categories are for moving the names from the Prime Side-The “Driver Side” master list to the appropriate ‘Side-Effect’ list below in order for you to have the opportunity to review and assess each individual, that you’re considering bringing along on your Success Quest.
1-Side by Side:
This category is for moving the names, from the Prime Side-The “Driver Side” list to this list, of the people you consider your posse, your closest person or people.
The people or person listed here are ones that you trust implicitly. These are humans that always have your back and that you could always count on. You never have to question their actions or motives.
They unequivocally love you and you balance the relationship by invariably and equally loving them back. They always know the right things to say at the exact moment you need it. Their support for you is extreme and they genuinely believe in you and what you’re trying to accomplish.
If you have one human that rises to such an esteemed assessment, then you should consider yourself very lucky. That’s all you need. One very special human. It doesn’t have to be family or a significant other.
I didn’t have one. Not one human I felt this way about. When someone tells me that they have many people in this category my skepticism radar system kicks in immediately. Police personnel, Fire personnel, Armed Forces members, all “probably.” Everyday Humans, doubtful.
2-The Sidelines:
How great would it be to hang out on the sidelines during your favorite NFL team’s game? This is the team that you root for and the team and its players that you love and are their biggest fan. This is what this category is about.
The names here represent people you love, like and even trust.
These are the people that you’ll eventually feed bits of information to about your Success Quest. It’s “better to wait” because their view on life and success is not the most positive or progressive and “doubt” is not something that you need.
These are people you could laugh or cry with but your aspirations and goals may be a little too intimidating for them. Success and wanting to “move up and out” could breed some ugly feelings that your loved ones have little control over. When it spills over it usually takes on a life of its own in the form of jealously, fear, anger and resentment.
3- The Passenger Side:
These are the people that you absolutely, positively feel like you need to have them with you to launch and then help sustain your Success Quest. These are your professionals: Accountant, Lawyer, Technical advisor, Doctor and perhaps a Mental Health professional or a Life coach.
Liking the members of this category, in my opinion, is critical to your success. You need to be able to pick up a phone or meet with them effortlessly and comfortably. You need to trust them. There’ll be times where it could happen that there’ll be a trade-off between liking them and them being the best for you and your success quest.
Keep searching for the perfect combination and if the verdict is to go with “the best but not-like-so-much” choice, then tolerance is an acceptable option. In business and in your personal space, tolerance is a worthwhile objective if it means you’ll get superior service and advice.
My Advice: Like them first and then check their credentials and get references.
4-The Outsiders:
This is your virtual penal colony. Sometimes we forget what someone did or what they’ve been known to have done to us or other people. We forget that they bring way too much baggage when they come to visit. These are the people that get you annoyed and angry. They’re the people who know everything and know nothing. They’re the ones where criticism and judging is a way of life.
These are the sociopaths, the “disrupters”, that lay waste to any relationship they come in contact with. These are the agitators who try to make you feel guilty and convince you that you need to help and support them using their convoluted and destructive reasoning.
There’s only one way to go with the names listed in this category. Banishment. Banish them from your everyday life. Don’t let them near you no matter how much you think they could help you. Find another way but not their way.
With that said: If, and it’s a big if, if they have some value to you and your Success Quest, then keep them at arm’s length and out on the periphery. Invite them in when needed but do not let them get too close. Remember we never burn bridges.
5- “Peripheral” Sides:
These are people on the periphery of your success support community not yet recognized or valued. They have not earned the right to become part of your community or in most cases you haven’t had or felt the need to invite them in . . .yet.
Many of them you haven’t even officially met yet. This category is going to be made up of a variety of contacts.
Here you’re going to list the “potentials” and the “interesting” for now and/or for the future.
You’ll build this list bit by bit as you move forward on your success quest. This list should be about adding anyone that can help you move forward and/or upward with information, insight, education and contacts as well as other available Success Support Tools for your Arsenal.
The biggest source of new relationships in this category will come from you networking in the virtual world and the physical world. I suggest you use your computer contact lists to enter all the information you can get from people that you meet.
In this component I have included an article on networking that I wrote recently. Networking is a subject that deserves extensive coverage and discussions and there’s more useful information below.
The people in this category may start out as marginal or secondary contacts but as you develop deeper emotional connections with them you’ll find yourself moving them into the other categories above. This is how you grow and become more experienced in life and business.
The Bottom Line: To succeed in life and business you need people and they need you.
Networking is the nexus to the world of opportunity. Face to face or virtual in the digital world, networking is your link to meeting other humans and the connection that will bring you the success you’re looking for.
Reality Check #1: Using ‘The Side-Effect’ Concept:
Some relationships were meant to last forever and some are just for a shorter term but all relationships must be nurtured and cared for.
Examining, assessing and reviewing all your relationships as actually being three separate entities converging and melding into an inextricable alliance, —you, them and the relationship itself—, it will be easier for you to understand the dynamics and interrelation aspects, of any situation or event, within your Success Support Community and beyond.
It will make you a “People Genius.” Each one of these entities needs to be respected, nurtured and cared for. Recognizing this fact, puts you way ahead of most people and raises you to an elite and powerful level of networking and negotiating.
You need to diligently and ambitiously make an honest effort to understand this tripartite arrangement and recognize and truly accept that with it, comes three realities: Yours, theirs and the relationship’s. If you find this statement to be disagreeable, and even a bit insignificant, then building and developing your Success Support Community is going to be dramatically devitalized and stunted.
To expedite and create a flow of goodwill you’re going to be compelled to adjust and make concessions if you want to smoothly move forward on your Success Quest. Please read about “Reality” in “The t.r.i.p Concept” on this blog.
Knowing your “people” and what they’re all about will bind you in layers of unassailable Success Support. This familiarity will help you build a forceful, integrated Success Support group that you can count on for the duration and beyond. Using ‘The Side-Effect’ Concept will help you “see” each person up close and personal and confirm that they do, or do not, belong in your life.
Compartmentalization will help keep all your relationships in their proper perspective and will keep your expectations in check and in touch with reality. It will mitigate the frustration and resentment usually felt when expectations exceed actual performance.
Managers and coaches in amateur, up into the professional level sports teams, will testify that the one thing that helps a manager or coach develop a winning team is to know their players and what each one is capable of achieving personally and what they’re capable of doing as a team.
Using The “Side-Effect” Concept will help you make this happen.
Please Wait One Minute:
It’s of the utmost importance to monitor and the calibrate each category in ‘The Side Effect Concept’ in fixed scheduled intervals. These ‘Side Effect Concept’ modification sessions should be implemented at least once a month.
Change begets more change. You can count on all your relationships either shifting, evolving or degrading. Some will move up, others will fall by the wayside and others will rise and shine to the challenges in extraordinary ways.
The biggest mistake you could make is not rewarding and acknowledging the super stars and at the same time letting the under-performer stay too long.
My 3R’s concept will help you come to terms with all scenarios. It will encourage you to evaluate your team and to make the necessary adjustments to strengthen your Success Support Community on an individual basis, which in turn will aggregately transform the community into a formidable group of superstars.
Let’s Move Forward:
Reality Check #2: The 3R’s: Retreat–Review, Reevaluate, Recommence,
To Reiterate and Accentuate: The 3R’s Concept could and should be used informally as often as possible. Additionally, I’m advising and vigorously advocating that you should schedule an unalterable date each and every month to initiate and utilize ‘The 3R’s Concept’ e.g. “The third Monday of each month.”
The 3R’s:
1 – R&R (Retreat / Review):
Please Note: This dual movement is represented as one ‘R’ because the two functions happen at the same time. It’s all about you disengaging physically and mentally and at the same time getting under way with the evaluating and subsequent adjustment of your cast of characters.
Retreat Defined: 1-The act or process of moving back or away, especially from something hazardous, formidable, or unpleasant. 2- A place affording peace, quiet, privacy, or security. 3- A period of seclusion, retirement, or solitude.
Review Defined: A formal assessment or examination of something with the possibility or intention of instituting change if necessary.
The most important point to understand and embrace here is that “retreat” is temporary. It’s not meant to be “forever.” It’s not a sign of failure and it’s not a sign that you’re giving up.
It’s simply a prudent and effective procedure used to give the mind a chance to mitigate any feelings of stress and anxiety and to create an environment wherein you’ll have a chance to think clearly, logically and experience a well-deserved respite.
Bottom Line: Step #1 R&R is about signaling a “time out” to process and examine recent company and/or social matters along with the participants involved in these matters, enabling you to see how you’re going to proceed and with whom.
It’s time to temporarily shut it down and rejuvenate. Here’s where you shut the door, close the phone and pull the shades down.
Retreat/Review is about taking a deep breath, relaxing and determining what your current “people” situation is about. You can devote a few hours each day for several days or it could be a few days if it’s appropriate for your type of situation.
Use the basic questions to determine your next move: Who, what, why, when, where and how. Write it down. List the Pros/Cons of each individual.
Is he really on my side? On the company’s side? On his colleague’s side? What are his strong points? List her quirks and shortcomings. How does she interact with you and people in general? What has he contributed to your success quest? How is she doing in the position she currently holds? Who could do this position better than her? Why do you feel you need her in your community? When has he shown initiative and leadership?
These are just a few examples of the questions you should use in the R&R phase.
The Bottom Line- The main questions that you need answers for are: “Who’s on my side?” and “Who’s going to go forward with me on my success quest?” and “In what capacity and position will they be by my side?”
An Additional Benefit: Take some extra time to reflect and acknowledge your achievements, no matter how big or small. Be proud of yourself for being where you are now. You’re out there solving a situation or jogging with your dreams, but either way, you’re a warrior and doing what most people don’t have the courage to do. You’re taking chances and grabbing life by the proverbial “balls” and that’s a great thing.
2 – Reevaluate:
Reevaluate Defined: To consider again, especially with the possibility of change:
Hours or perhaps days have gone by and you’re feeling rested and refreshed. You’ve put your thoughts on paper and you now have a clear and distinct perception regarding your people. You now, decidedly know what you have to do next.
It’s time to decide who stays, who goes, who gets a second chance and who moves onward and upward.
It’s not easy but whatever decision you come to is a good decision, for you and your situation, and that’s all that matters today. Tomorrow arrives. The sun signals a new day and before you finish your breakfast, “shit happens.” Change effects circumstances beyond your control and you lose a highly valued person. So what? Just Reevaluate and adjust once more.
Reevaluation and adjustments should and will be a daily occurrence.
Most of it will be minor adjustments but they should be respected and treated as diligently as you would a major adjustment. Disrespecting and ignoring “minor” adjustments today usually cause those “minors” to morph and evolve into agitated and out of control “Major” adjustments.
Be proactive and apply a sense of urgency that’s extreme to any adjustment. Better too much, you could always dial it back, then too little. Better to bring a fire truck and their hose to a grill fire than bringing a garden hose to a house fire.
3 – Recommence:
Recommence Defined: to begin or commence again.
You know who stays, who goes, who gets a second chance and who moves onward and upward. Now it’s time to do what you need to do to align and adjust the members of your support group with your evaluation findings.
To move forward or not to move forward?
It’s time to fire, promote, move or put someone on notice.
Based on your introspection, reevaluation and your adjustments you’re ready to move forward. The fact is that your Success Quest must always be moving forward even when in a retreat mode unless your situation allows you the convenience of shutting it all down for the time that you need.
Nothing is forever. Don’t worry about making mistakes. You could always rehire, dial back a situation or simply apologize if you were wrong. Evaluation, reevaluation and adjustments are the natural course of action in business and in social environments.
To move through your relationships aimlessly and without some level of intimate assessment is, in my humble opinion, unfair and shows a lack of respect for you, the people/person and the relationship.
We had anywhere, depending on where it fell on my company’s history time line, from 60-100 employees working for us. When I would have a one on one conversation with an employee it ultimately led to my stating a very strong belief of mine.
I shared my feelings with them that “I don’t want them to be the best they could be for me or the company or to do anything special for me or the company.” “I want them to do what’s good for them only.” As they look at me like I’m off the wall I then continue, “if they do what’s good for themselves and that happens to align with what’s good for the company, we’ve hit the jackpot and have an exciting situation in the making. We have “Passion” in the house.
If they find that the two do not mesh and that what’s good for them and what’s good for the company is causing a disjointed experience, then it’s time for me to fire them or for them to resign.
The Bottom Line: Reevaluation and adjustments benefit you, them and the relationship. It’s not only the right thing to do it’s the respectful thing to do for everyone involved.
It’s time . . . Everyone must move forward once more and get on with their lives. One way or another.
Reality Check #3: As Promised –An Introduction to Networking:
My father abandoned my family physically, emotionally and financially when I was 14 years old and he never looked back. He left us with nothing. My mom was the first women in our public housing project building,64 families, to go to work full-time.
It was 1966 and back then, a woman working was extremely rare and possibly even non-existent. She actually started to work in 1962 when I was 10 years old and my sister was 7. At 13 years old I started working selling newspapers door to door and working in the local neighborhood corner candy store. My father was never a good father or provider. Never ever. After leaving and returning 3 times my father finally left for good in the year 1966.
The Point: I was an angry young guy. When he left it caused a scandal in my neighborhood. In the “good ole’ days” no one ever got divorced. The whispers were deafening and the gossip was painful until I made a promise to myself to live by 2 rules:
1- Never give a damn what people think or say and
2- Never rely on anyone ever again. I didn’t want anyone’s help.
Over the years, and with a lot of “practice”, it got much easier to follow these 2 rules. I actually became particularly adept at working with them and it wasn’t until a few years ago that I was finally able to admit that I was “mostly” wrong about my level of commitment to this promise.
The Bottom Line: I took my commitment literally, all-encompassing and especially all-consuming when actually, I should have taken it cautiously and discriminately.
That was about me. What has this have to do with you?
People who need people,
Are the luckiest people in the world
We’re children, needing other children
And yet letting a grown-up pride
Hide all the need inside
From The Essential: Barbra Streisand
People, who “need” people are usually the luckiest people in the world. Literally the luckiest. Research has shown that the more people you know the better your chances are for making all your dreams come true.
People may be carriers of communicable “social diseases” like gossip, meanness, greed and pettiness etc. but, surprise, they’re also the carriers of “opportunities extraordinaire.”
People like to feel important, be big shots and show off. They have this need to show you that they’re “bigger and better” than you but, don’t fret, there are actually people who really do like to help other people with no strings attached.
You have no specific way to know where a person is coming from and what their true motive is, but the fact still remains that it should not matter to you. Your only concern should be with one point: “whatever floats their boat,” let them be important to you.
Let them feel important by helping you. Let them feel like big shots.
“Fake it if you have to but take it, embrace it and make it work for you.” This is the operative equation when working and developing mutually beneficial networking interconnections.
Let me repeat that: “Fake it if you have to but take it, embrace it and make it work for you”
The bottom line like it or not: To succeed in life and business you need people and they need you.
Networking is the nexus to the world of opportunity.
Face to face or virtual in the digital world, networking is your link to meeting other humans.
My mission today is to get to you before you ever start networking or hopefully convince you to temporarily cease and desist.
Why? You need to start, or back track, to gather specific personal information in order to succeed in meeting people.
I’m asking you to answer these 4 questions before you stick your hand out and introduce yourself to anyone.
The aggregate answers to these questions will provide a powerful success tool for you in order to start building a rewarding networking strategy.
Consider these 4 questions the dawn of your networking journey.
These questions will serve as your “talking points.” They’ll invite and stimulate discussion and introspection.
Step 1- These questions are the appropriate jumping off point to networking:
1-What can you do to make a difference in the world?
2-What can you do to make a difference in one person’s life?
3-What can one person do to make a difference in your life.
4- What lifeline strategy do you need to start the networking process and not have to go it alone?
Some examples:
a) Take one friend with you to the events.
b) Be able to phone a friend or family member from the events for a positive encouraging word.
c) Have positive, motivating written messages in your pocket.
d) Have a few friends or co-workers join you. Form your own “networking posse”
Step 2: Take your time with Step 1 and think it through. You’ll need this information to enable you to go broader and to explore the following:
- Who you are.
- What you really do for a living.
- What you need.
- What you want to do and with whom.
- How you want to do it.
- When you want to start and how you want to start.
- What you want to accomplish.
When you have as much information as you honestly feel that you could gather, move forward and become the networking master that you know you could become with some more practice. It does get much easier.
There will be many more articles on Networking. . . Stay Tuned.
Good luck. You’ll do fine. Stay safe out there. Never give up. Never ever. You cannot fail if you refuse to give up.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read ‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’ Part 4. If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to me.
Please feel free to explore and read ‘The t.r.i.p Concept’ and the ‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’ while I inconspicuously review them and add new articles to share with you.
At the end of this post, for your convenience, there are direct links to each part of “The t.r.i.p Concept” and “The i.m.a.p.p Concept.
The two concepts, a total of 9 separate components, are made up of a total of 170 pages with approx. 44,000 words. Each component is easy to read and they’re meant to be independently reviewed slowly and deliberately.
If you go to the top of the home page for www.itsallpossible.com , you’ll see the two concepts listed and each one has a drop down that lists the components and allows for you to access one component at a time.
Here’s how it lays out:
“The t.r.i.p Concept”: Part #1-Truth; Part #2- Reality; Part #3- Inspiration; Part #4- Positivity
“The i.m.a.p.p Concept”: Part #1-Inspiration; Part #2-Motivation; Part #3- Action; Part #4-People; Part # 5- Persistence.”
Your Success Support Arsenal: ‘The t.r.i.p Concept’ gets you to the starting gate; ‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’ gets you to the finish line.
- Phase 1: The t.r.i.p Concept: Truth + Reality + Inspiration+ Positivity
- Phase 2: The i.m.a.p.p Concept: Inspiration + Motivation + Action + People + Persistence
- Phase 3: The two concepts begin working in tandem and now in phase 3 they’re all working together. Combining all the components in both concepts creates a firm foundation for a very compelling Success Support Arsenal.
I welcome all comments. Actually, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Raw or well done, I’ll take it all.
Direct Links to Each Part of “The t.r.i.p Concept” & “The i.m.a.p.p Concept”
“The t.r.i.p Concept”: This Concept Will Get You to The Starting Gate.
Part #1 Truth: “The t.r.i.p Concept”
Part #2 Reality: “The t.r.i.p Concept”
Part #3 Inspiration: “The t.r.i.p Concept”
Part #4 Positivity: “The t.r.i.p Concept”
“The i.m.a.p.p Concept”: This Concept Will Get You to the Finish Line.
Part #1 Inspiration Too: “The i.m.a.p.p Concept”
Part #2 Motivation: “The i.m.a.p.p Concept”
Part #3 Action: “The i.m.a.p.p Concept”
Part #4 People: “The i.m.a.p.p Concept”
Part #5 Persistence: “The i.m.a.p.p Concept”
Once again, thank you very much for stopping by. If you have any questions or advice, please feel free to email me at [email protected]
Extra Stuff- My concepts and all the articles I’ll write, are all backed by:
- Over 55 years of “street” experience.
- Over 40 years of starting and building physical, virtual world and internet businesses.
- Over 40 years of starting and building many different types of businesses.
- Becoming a millionaire and then “turning my back” and “walking” away from it. I’m much stronger now than I was then and I know exactly what I did wrong. I’m working on getting it back. Please feel free to come along with me on my Success Quest and I hope that you bring your Success Quest along as well. I would love the company and besides, I have many powerful and impactful teachable moments to share.
- Knowing hundreds and hundreds of wealthy and/or successful men and woman over 60.
- Knowing hundreds and hundreds of wealthy and/or successful men and women under 60
- Knowing thousands of successful people from all around the world through face to face networking, social media and as serving as President of Macaby Group, an international company.
- Started, and never stopped, reading and studying about Positivity and Success back in 1975 as a young Stockbroker trainee for a brokerage company named E.F. Hutton. They gave us the book, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, to read and study as part of our training program.
- Dreamed of being rich since 1962, when I was 10 years old and when my father left for the first time. He left a total of 3 times. Finally, he was gone for good the third time. You know the saying . . .
- My attitude: “You may see me struggle but you will never see me quit.”
- Over 40 years of doing many smart things and doing some very dumb things. Huge lessons learned.
- I’m a good “beginner” and I’ve learned many, many, many things from my over 40 years of mistakes and missteps.
Please read my “about” page for more information and visit:
My Facebook Pages:
www.facebook.com/barry.sarner If you’re an animal lover, please come meet 5000 other animal loving friends on my Facebook page.
www.positivemessagesuniverse.com Need some positivity? Please visit my Facebook page for positive messages.
My Twitter Page:
www.twitter.com/barrysarner Need another dose of positivity? Please visit my twitter page.
My Linked-in Page:
www.linkedin.com/in/barrysarner Please come visit me here and read additional articles that I’ve written and see what my day job is all about.
My blog is about building a powerful “two way” success support community and your participation is respectfully requested, needed and greatly appreciated.
Warm Regards,