Information Part 1 of 2: To Succeed at Anything, You Need to Know How to Get it, How to Use It, Why You Need it!
This article is the first of two articles on “Information”. The second article that I’m working on, will give you a more general and broader view of varied approaches, for accumulating information.
In this article you’ll get to meet “The Beast Buster” a powerful Success Support Tool found in your Success Support Arsenal. ‘The Beast Buster’ is used for accumulating the appropriate information for commonplace, challenging or problematic situations and events.
In information Part#2 I’ll introduce you to ‘The p.e.e.e Concept’ which is normally used for your “Big Picture” support while you’re planning and working on your Success Quest.
Both ‘The Beast Buster’ and ‘The p.e.e.e Concept’ could always be used for any situation that calls for the aggregation, classification and investigation of information.
The Triad Players: Meet “Information” a member of the preeminent Triad Players in your Success Support Arsenal.
“Information’s” fellow super heroes are “Curioposity” and “Questions.” This Triad, made up of Information, Curioposity and Questions, is the energy, power and enlightenment source that will provide you with the heightened ability to accumulate and decidedly absorb any and all details that include, but are not limited to, factual data and general and specific knowledge needed for your Success Quest and its ultimate victory.
Side-Note: “Curioposity” is made up of curiosity + positivity. It’s my creation. You could and should read about it, here on The title of the article is, “Curioposity: Adopt and Use This and Expect Great Things to Happen.”
In addition, to be able to get the full impact of the power of the Triad Players please also read my article on “Questions” here on The title of the article is “Questions: The Most Powerful Tool in Your Success Support Arsenal is Free and Available 24/7. Are You Using it?”
Information: How to Get it? How to Use It? Why You Need it?
To secure the required, desired and appropriate answers to any relevant questions that arise, you need to possess a reasonable degree of “Information Literacy.”
Although the value of “information literacy” may seem obvious to information professionals such as librarians, the term is not common within the corporate world. In this Information Age, when the expansion of available information is proceeding at an unprecedented rate, clear concepts of how to access and evaluate this information are essential.
“Information literacy” Defined: It’s a crucial skill in the pursuit of knowledge. It involves recognizing when information is needed and being able to efficiently locate, accurately evaluate, effectively use, and clearly communicate information in various formats.
“Information literacy” is a free “gift’ that you’ll find in your Success Support Arsenal. Like any other “power tool” this “gift” must be started up and maintained in order for it to do what it was meant to do.
“Information literacy” isn’t something you can learn by just reading about it. It takes determined, initial personal activation and participation, molded and merged with enduring and repetitive practice, to start the process flowing, keeping it maintained and to enable it to be perpetually developed.
“Information literacy” is a skill set that is essential for a smooth and victorious Success Quest. It also is a skill set that is invaluable in every area of your personal and business life. Everyone needs to know how to find answers to their questions, at home and at the office. People who take the time to understand and to make a deliberate effort to develop “information literacy,” can solve almost any problem with precision and accuracy.
When you fail to understand how information is organized and accessed, you forfeit your competitive edge and you lose the fighting chance to take advantage of opportunities that you bump into and, that bump into you. “Information literacy” is the set of skills required to identify, retrieve, organize, and analyze information. In effect, it’s about learning how to learn.
It’s about recognizing and identifying an opportunity and knowing how to grab on to it and to exploit it, by exercising extreme due diligence which includes, but is not limited to, how to research it, apply what you find and ultimately, how to breathe life into it.
“Information literacy” is a skill set that is helpful for a lifetime. It also helps you recognize the difference between good information and bad information and it helps you to evaluate situations from several perspectives.
Though we may know how to find the information we need, we must also know how to evaluate it. There is an implausibility and inaccuracy pandemic that has washed over the entire world, the likes of which have never been seen in the history of mankind.
We now live in a world where anyone can publish an article, a book, opinion or perspective, whether true or not, and have those “blow up” and become expansive in the information worldwide arena.
You could thank the internet for the precarious position we’re in. The internet’s conflicting attributes are all the more reason for us to get serious and learn how to gather and evaluate the information that we need. The goal is simple:Find the information we need, know how to distinguish bad information from good information and finally, know how to maximize the use of the information.
Finding the “Information Literacy” That You Need to Have:
1- Cornell University: Link to an excellent “short read” on how to do the research and evaluate it. It takes a few minutes and it’s very enlightening.
2- Be a “Googlearian”: Google search for “how to do general research”
3- Questions: Knowing how to ask the right questions will set you on the right course to get any and all information that you need, or want, in your personal and/or business life. Questions and information are blood relatives. They are inextricably connected and it would be irresponsible and detrimental to your Success Quest, to treat them as anything other than an essential and inseparable force.
In not doing so, you would immeasurably limit your chances to be able to glean the information you need, from the information worldwide arena.
Inquisitiveness plus the power of “Shredding” will produce the right questions which, invariably, leads to the right answers that you need to move forward to victory on your Success Quest.
Much more on this indispensable Success Support Tool in my article, “Questions: The Most Powerful Tool in Your Success Support Arsenal is Free and Available 247. Are You Using it?”
4-Get Curious and Stay Curious: “Curioposity” is made up of curiosity + positivity. It’s my creation. You could and should read about it, here on The title of the article is, “Curioposity: Adopt and Use This and Expect Great Things to Happen.”
Here’s where the crossroads of Success and Forfeit meet.
Curiosity + Positivity + Questions + Answers + Information = Find opportunities:
Being “Curious” is an “Opportunity Detector.” Being “Curious” starts the success process to flow.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
If opportunities bump into you or you into them, and you’re not prepared to capture them and evaluate them, they will just quietly slip away and bump into someone who is prepared to receive them. It’s the old saying: Luck is realized at that point where preparation meets opportunity. Prepare for your Success by learning how to gather and evaluate “Information”
Life is not about success or failure.
Failure is nothing more than a “time-out” due to some situation that temporarily knocked you off course. Every 24 hours we get a chance to “reboot.” Every 24 hours we can review what went “backwards,” fix it and restart. As long as you refuse to terminate your Success Quest and refuse to yield to the discomfort, you can not fail. Tomorrow is a new day, another chance to rise and push forward to victory and so is the next day, and the day after that, and so on and so forth . . . 24/7/365 +
Life is really about Success or Forfeit.
“Forfeit” is a whole different story. It’s about missed opportunities. There’s no time-out with a Forfeit because nothing went “backwards.” You never had the chance to get into the “game.” In fact, whatever opportunity was on the horizon, it went sideways and dissipated because you could not gather the right information to hold on to it and anchor it.
The definition of “Forfeit” is: Lost or surrendered as a penalty for wrongdoing or neglect.
At the point where the merging and melding of “Curiosity” and “Positive Expectancy” (Curioposity) occurs , is the point where your Success Quest Begins. This article is a must read to get the information pipeline flowing.
5- “Information literacy” is the set of skills required to identify, retrieve, organize, and analyze information”:
Here’s my system for gathering the right “information” and applying it in the right way.
There is a basic course of action I use to solve all provocations, disagreements, hot mess issues, unpredictable situations, challenges, problems and any other adverse situation that arises. I use this process to identify and uncover “obvious, latent, current and future” obstacles, setbacks and, once again, adverse situations.
The Bottom Line: I use this process to gather, evaluate, categorize and activate all the information I need for any particular, specific situation or event.
The basic configuration of this course of action is: identify, verify, classify, modify and Actify.
I use this course of action in its entirety, or I adjust and adapt the individual pieces to the situation at hand. The most important aspect of this process is that it serves as another very reliable and compelling tool in your Success Support Arsenal that’s used for investigation, detection, identification, exposition, education and fact-finding.
NOW: Meet the “The Beast Buster”: 1- Clarify–Identify, 2-Verify-Classify, 3- Modify- Actify.
Side Note: “The Beast Buster” in this article is for accumulating the appropriate information for specific commonplace, challenging or problematic situations and events.
You’ll find this Success Support “tool” in it’s entirety in my article: “How to Cope, Survive and Thrive On Your Personal or Business Success Quest” located right here on It’s all Possible.
6- Read and review ‘The t.r.i.p Concept’ and ‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’ here on It’s All Possible. See below for a summary and an explanation of these two powerhouse Success Support Tools.
You’ll find that all the information here, in this article, “Information: To Succeed at Anything You Need to Know How to Get it, How to Use It, Why You Need it” will help you to arm yourself with very powerful knowledge on “Information” and How to Get it, How to Use It, Why You Need it.
Follow what I wrote, and read the articles I suggested, and I humbly suggest that your “Information Literacy,” will move to the highest levels possible.
Thank you for taking the time to read my article. I hope it helps you.
Please feel free to explore and read ‘The t.r.i.p Concept’ and the ‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’ while I inconspicuously review them and add new articles to share with you.
The two concepts, a total of 9 separate components, are made up of a total of 170 pages with approx. 44,000 words. Each component is easy to read and they’re meant to be individually reviewed slowly and deliberately.
If you go to the top of the home page, you’ll see the two concepts listed and each one has a drop down that lists the components and allows for you to access one component at a time.
Here’s how it lays out:
‘The t.r.i.p Concept’: Part #1-Truth; Part #2- Reality; Part #3- Inspiration; Part #4- Positivity
‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’: Part #1-Inspiration; Part #2-Motivation; Part #3- Action; Part #4-People; Part # 5- Persistence.”
Your Success Support Arsenal: ‘The t.r.i.p Concept’ gets you to the starting gate; ‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’ gets you to the finish line.
- Phase 1: The t.r.i.p Concept: Truth + Reality + Inspiration+ Positivity
- Phase 2: The i.m.a.p.p Concept: Inspiration + Motivation + Action + People + Persistence
- Phase 3: The two concepts begin working in tandem and now in phase 3 they’re all working together. Combining all the components in both concepts creates a firm foundation for a very compelling Success Support Arsenal.
If you have any questions or advice, please feel free to email me at [email protected]
I welcome all comments. Actually, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Raw or well done, I’ll take it all.
Once again, thank you very much for stopping by.
Extra Stuff- My concepts and all the articles I’ll write, are all backed by:
- Over 55 years of “street” experience.
- Over 40 years of starting and building physical, virtual world and internet businesses.
- Over 40 years of starting and building many different types of businesses.
- Becoming a millionaire and then “turning my back” and “walking” away from it. I will get it back. I have many powerful and impactful teachable moments to share.
- Knowing hundreds and hundreds of wealthy and/or successful men and woman over 60.
- Knowing hundreds and hundreds of wealthy and/or successful men and women under 60
- Knowing thousands of successful people from all around the world through face to face networking, social media and as serving as President of Macaby Group, an international company.
- Started, and never stopped, reading and studying about Positivity and Success back in 1975 as a young Stockbroker trainee for a brokerage company named E.F. Hutton. They gave us the book, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, to read and study as part of our training program.
- Dreamed of being rich since 1962, when I was 10 years old and when my father left for the first time. He left a total of 3 times. Finally, he was gone for good the third time. You know the saying . . .
- My attitude: “You may see me struggle but you will never see me quit.”
- Over 40 years of doing many smart things and doing some very dumb things. Huge lessons learned.
- I’m a good “beginner” and I’ve learned many, many, many things from my over 40 years of mistakes and missteps.
Please read my “about” page for more information and visit:
My Facebook Pages: If you’re an animal lover, please come meet 5000 other animal loving friends on my Facebook page. Need some positivity? Please visit my Facebook page for positive messages.
My Twitter Page: Need another dose of positivity? Please visit my twitter page.
My Linked-in Page: Please come visit me here and read additional articles that I’ve written and see what my day job is all about.
My blog is about building a powerful “two way” success support community and your participation is respectfully requested, needed and greatly appreciated.
Warm Regards,
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