You finally mustered up the courage to break on through to the other side of ordinary and joined the discriminating and distinctive world of your fellow humans who are dissatisfied, excited, frustrated, motivated and are “doing it” and “taking care of business”, in the world of “extraordinary.”
What are they doing?
They’re becoming entrepreneurs, they’re becoming entertainers and artists, they’re becoming mom and dad’s, they’re joining corporate America, they’re becoming professionals, they’ve all “shifted” their lives to better places and beyond.
The most exciting circumstance of all is that they’re now “that” person who wasn’t satisfied with the way things were, and found the fortitude and courage, to shift their lives to a new and ambitious place, where happiness and good fortune await them.
The one thought that they all shared, and that enabled them to shift their entire lives from the “world of ordinary to the world of extraordinary” was: “I want and deserve a better life than I have now.”
The “character” of this “simple” thought is one that inspires determination, courage, boldness, honesty, responsibility and loyalty.
Shifting from the world of ordinary to the world of extraordinary is available to any and all humans who are ready to make a commitment and take the first step by simply stating this thought out loud, and absorbing and embracing what this thought really means to them.
SideBar: Please review my ‘The t.r.i.p Concept’ here on to find support and guidance on how to get to the “starting Gate” and make the “break on through” successfully. My ‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’ here on will support and guide you to the “finish Line”, to the world you were looking for.
‘The t.r.i.p Concept’ and ‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’ represent the most significant and comprehensive tools available in your Success Support Arsenal, that will diligently mitigate and precipitate, the exciting task of shifting your life, from the world of ordinary to the world of extraordinary.
Every individuals’ “Shifting” or Success Quest, is distinctive and unique, yet there are a handful of attributes that are common to all and remain relatively tenacious and relentless.
It’s necessary that you know and fully understand the following two in particular, because they will, for better or worse, be with you every step of your Success Quest.
Here’s two of the most able-bodied attributes:
1- The “Reality Beast”:
Positive Expectancy, the expectation that positive things are going to happen for you is, of course, one of the main components that’s needed to accomplish your goals and to mentally and physically endure your Success Quest. Your Success Quest needs an incessant flow of positive expectancy for you to “Cope, Survive, Thrive” and to develop and maintain the fortitude to push and pull forward.
It Begins: Just when everything’s moving smoothly and the “good life” is being accomplished in an orderly and timely manner, along comes the “Reality Beast.”
REALITY CHECK: There are always, at least, three realities in any event or situation. There’s yours, there’s the person’s reality who’s sitting across from you and then there’s the reality of the inanimate object, event or situation.
The most important “reality” in any situation, where the participants are humans and an inanimate object, is the reality of the inanimate participant. The simple and obvious reasoning is that the inanimate participant, usually a business, obviously can’t make adjustments on its own.
Humans, on the other hand, have a good chance of negotiating and adjusting the circumstances to accommodate the business’ needs. When you attempt to Meld and Mold the circumstances to fit the needs of the business, everyone on all sides of the table will surely come out a winner, especially the business, and rightfully so.
The realities that exist in a “human to human only” encounter is also three. There’s your reality, there’s the reality of the other human and then there’s the reality of the situation. This is where you need to see past your needs and closely examine the situation. If you can’t find that “Common Reality”, this event will fall flat and nothing will get accomplished.
In any situation, all the humans involved need to come to a mutually agreed upon conclusion as to what the reality of the situation actually is. It must be stated out loud for all to hear and understand. Until all the humans “get there” and come up with an acceptable “Reality”, progress is not attainable.
All participants must mentally be prepared for concessions and modifications of their realities. It’s the only way for everyone to be able to affect a successful outcome. There must be flexibility and compromise on both sides if there’s any chance of finding a “Reality” that’s good for everyone.
Always keep this in mind and you’ll always rise and shine in every negotiating party you take part in.
Please visit ‘The t.r.i.p Concept’ and review components #1 Truth and component #2 Reality.
2- “Stuff Happens” or “Shit Happens”:
Definition: Wikipedia- “Shit happens” is a common vulgar slang phrase, used as a simple existential observation that life is full of unpredictable events, either “Así es la vida” or “C’est la vie”. The phrase is an acknowledgment that bad things happen to people seemingly for no particular reason. The phrase was first observed in 1964, but wasn’t used in a print publication until 1983. Alternately said, albeit less vulgarly as “Stuff Happens”.
Need I say more? But I will. Just a little more.
“Stuff happens”, and for the most part, you’ll have very little control over most of it. That’s just a fact of life. “It is what it is.” The most consequential way to have some chance of exerting influence on life’s events is the way in which you accommodate the circumstances that flow from that event.
When “Stuff Happens” it rouses up a host of different emotions with it. Never deny your emotions room to express themselves. Feel the pain. Feel the stress. Acknowledge the fear that you’re besieged by. Declare out loud how you’re feeling. Go into the bathroom and whisper it out loud if there are people around. Cry and jump up and down if that’s the way you feel.
Do whatever is necessary to encourage, and to not suppress, your feelings and emotions. The sooner you show your feelings and emotions the respect they deserve, the sooner your pity party and your rant and rave episodes will come to an end.
As a parting gift, these emotions and feelings will leave a spectacular gift for respecting them: They’ll leave you feeling lighter and invigorated. They’ll give you the strength to get up and forge forward.
SideBar: Understanding and embracing these two influential and dominant attributes will encourage and embolden you to always remain mobile, flexible and adaptable in your pursuit of a victorious Success Quest.
Wait One Minute Please:
For Your Information: There’s a basic course of action that I use to solve all “Stuff Happenings”, provocations, disagreements, hot mess issues, unpredictable situations, challenges, problems and any other adverse situation that arises. I use this course of action to identify and uncover “obvious, latent, current and future” obstacles, setbacks and, once again, adverse situations.
I use this course of action to get information, the information that’s needed to help make the decisions that will keep my Success Quest on course and subsequently, help to bring it to a successful outcome.
The basic configuration of this course of action is: identify, verify, classify, modify and Actify.
I use this course of action in its entirety, or I adjust and adapt the individual pieces to the situation at hand. The most important aspect of this course of action is that it serves as another very reliable and compelling tool in your Success Support Arsenal that’s used for investigation, detection, identification, exposition, education and fact-finding.
Let’s Move On:
Side-Note: The very capable and enduring Success Support tools that I’ve developed to use when “Stuff Happens” is something I call “The Beast Buster”:
So you laid out your plans to make your dreams come true or achieve your goals. Things were great and moving along nicely when along came the “Reality Beast.”
How to Cope, Survive and Thrive this disruptive intermeddler?
Meet the “The Beast Buster”: 1- Clarify–Identify, 2-Verify–Classify, 3- Modify– Actify:
What can one do when the “Beast” wraps itself around you and your Success Quest?
First and foremost, don’t panic. Take a deep breath. You should feel somewhat relaxed knowing that you now have a “tool” to use that will allow you get to the bottom of any specific challenging or problematic event or situation.
Using this “tool” will get you all the answers and the subsequent solutions you’ll need. Getting the solutions will bring everything back to normal or to a “new normal”, depending on what the solutions reveal.
How “The Beast Buster” should be used:
Side-Note: The following steps are laid out very neatly and orderly. This is not going to work like this when “Stuff Happens.” The steps could and probably will overlap and you may skip from step 1 to step 3 and back again as well as using the steps, or a piece of one, at different stages of the “happening” and possibly using them intermittently.
The speed at which everything starts to spin could be overwhelming. Take control and slow it down. The exception would be in the case of a physical emergency where lives are threatened then, you do what needs to be done as fast as it needs to be.
Welcome to “The Beast Buster”:
1- Clarify-Identify:
“Stuff Happened” and everyone’s running around stressed and scared. Your first move? Shut everything down. Bring the noise level down to “Zero.” Take a deep breath, smile and the first words out of your mouth must be: “Okay, everything’s going to be fine. Let’s Clarify what’s going on and Identify the problem and dig for the facts?”
The “unknown” and “not knowing what you don’t know” is the source of the apprehension, doubt, anxiety and fear that has replaced the oxygen in the room. Heart thumping, labored breathing and the sweat glands working in overdrive are all guideposts that are directing you to get to the bottom of the “Happening” forthwith. These warning signs are your allies and should be respected and embraced.
Comforting SideBar: Stay calm. These feelings are just there to help and warn you and will be dispelled as you move to correct the “happening.” There’s an inverse relationship between “not knowing the facts” and the discomfort of the “warning signs.” As you investigate, and as more facts come to light, the discomfort levels of the warning signs will decrease.
When “Stuff Happens,” it’s critical and essential to initiate a clear and thorough investigation as soon as possible, and get the facts. To Clarify and Identify the facts is the most important stage in the life of an obstacle, setback or other difficulties.
A “Happening” will always move forward on its own, usually with plenty of vim and vigor, if a grownup doesn’t stand up and take hold and take control. It’s a given that it will spiral out of control and pick up damaging speed as long as it goes unattended and it’s neglected.
The tool that will facilitate and precipitate the shredding of the façade of this challenging “Happening” and allow you to see it for what it is and lead you a solution is “The Asking of the Right Questions.”
Reality Check: This is the actually the key to the whole process: “Asking the Right Questions.” Please see my article on “Questions” here on entitled “Questions:The Most Powerful Tool in Your Success Support Arsenal is Free and Available 24/7. Are You Using it?”
An example of questions you may start with: What’s going on? Who knows what’s happening? Who knows the whole story besides John? How do we stop it? Who else needs to be involved in this investigation? What has to be done right now to ward off bigger damage? Etc. Etc.
This is the start of how you’ll be able to cope, survive and thrive on your Success Quest.
2- Verify-Classify:
Up to this point you’ve asked all the questions and beyond, and you have the best facts that you were able to glean from your investigation. Now you’ll move on and Verify and Classify.
Verification of the facts that you’ve obtained is crucial to the safety and well-being of everyone and everything. You need to make sure, for example, that there’s not more than one “intrusion” or “incursion” plaguing you and your immediate world. You need to verify if the threat is real, and how severe is it. You need to determine the amount and timing of the resources you must apply to correct the situation.
Focused questions and ceaseless Shredding (please see my article on “Questions” ) will get the proper Verification that you must achieve.
Advice: You “kick over” and disrupt anyone, anything and everything until you get the answers and solutions you need in order to protect yourself, the people around you and all your assets. Put yourself first before anyone and anything. If you stay strong, your sphere of influence stays strong.
Once you get a clear picture of what is really happening, Classify all the relevant facts. For example: Take 3 folders and mark them “Now”, “by the end of “Today”, “Within the week” and “by the end of the month”. You want to prioritize everything pertaining to this “Disruptive Happening.” You want to move in a smooth but timely manner.
Classifying and prioritizing will keep you focused and on track resulting in an intelligent, well thought out, successful correction and conclusion.
3- Modify- Actify:
“Actify” Defined: Meriam Webster Dictionary- Verb- Initiate something; Start a function.
This step may be the one where you’ll need the most strength and wisdom you can gather. Here’s where you’ll have to possibly “move” people you care about, “Move” resources you need and possibly cherish, “Move” locations that are so convenient and coveted and maybe, just maybe, you may have to change your lifetime dream or “move” it to another “place in time.”
The operative word here is, obviously, “Move”:
To “Cope, Survive and Thrive” you personally need to physically and mentally remain agile and “move” in the direction in which your investigation information is telling you to move. If you fight the results of the investigation, you’ll come out on the losing end.
To remain inspired, motivated and to stay on the course laid out by all your perceptive investigative work and, to accomplish what has to be done to “Cope, Survive and Thrive”, there’s two things to do:
1-It’s Simple: Just remember and never forget the reasons that you embarked on your Success Quest in the first place.
2-To stay the course and “Cope, Survive and Thrive” you’ll have to ask yourself the following questions, where the answers, if they’re still affirmatively applicable, will keep you moving onward and upward:
- What inspired and motivated me to launch this Success Quest?
- Who, besides me, will I let down if I turn my back on my Success Quest?
- Am I still inspired and motivated by the same energizers that impelled me to launch this Success Quest in the first place?
- Do I still need to (not necessarily “want to”) continue on this particular Success Quest?
The “Beast Buster” will become an invaluable part of your Success Quest Arsenal if you surround it with Self-Motivation, Self-Inspiration and most of all, with Self-Determination. There’s no secrets to creating a victorious Success Quest. They’re all launched by way of a pliable, transformative formula that’s made up of the 3 basic ingredients of common sense, solid strategies and Self-Determination.
Then, depending on what your Success Quest is all about, it’s up to you and in your hands, to decide what other ingredients should be added, as you move indomitably forward to victory.
Thank you for taking the time to read my article. I hope it helps you.
Please feel free to explore and read ‘The t.r.i.p Concept’ and the ‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’ while I inconspicuously review them and add new articles to share with you.
The two concepts, a total of 9 separate components, are made up of a total of 170 pages with approx. 44,000 words. Each component is easy to read and they’re meant to be individually reviewed slowly and deliberately.
If you go to the top of the home page, you’ll see the two concepts listed and each one has a drop down that lists the components and allows for you to access one component at a time.
Here’s how it lays out:
‘The t.r.i.p Concept’: Part #1-Truth; Part #2- Reality; Part #3- Inspiration; Part #4- Positivity
‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’: Part #1-Inspiration; Part #2-Motivation; Part #3- Action; Part #4-People; Part # 5- Persistence.”
Your Success Support Arsenal: ‘The t.r.i.p Concept’ gets you to the starting gate; ‘The i.m.a.p.p Concept’ gets you to the finish line.
• Phase 1: The t.r.i.p Concept: Truth + Reality + Inspiration+ Positivity
• Phase 2: The i.m.a.p.p Concept: Inspiration + Motivation + Action + People + Persistence
• Phase 3: The two concepts begin working in tandem and now in phase 3 they’re all working together. Combining all the components in both concepts creates a firm foundation for a very compelling Success Support Arsenal.
If you have any questions or advice, please feel free to email me at [email protected]
I welcome all comments. Actually, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Raw or well done, I’ll take it all.
Once again, thank you very much for stopping by.
Extra Stuff- My concepts and all the articles I’ll write, are all backed by:
•Over 55 years of “street” experience.
• Over 40 years of starting and building physical, virtual world and internet businesses.
• Over 40 years of starting and building many different types of businesses.
• Becoming a millionaire and then “turning my back” and “walking” away from it. I’m much stronger now than I was then and I know exactly what I did wrong. I’m working on getting it back. Please feel free to come along with me on my Success Quest. I would love the company and besides, I have many powerful and impactful teachable moments to share.
• Knowing hundreds and hundreds of wealthy and/or successful men and woman over 60.
• Knowing hundreds and hundreds of wealthy and/or successful men and women under 60
• Knowing thousands of successful people from all around the world through face to face networking, social media and as serving as President of Macaby Group, an international company.
• Started, and never stopped, reading and studying about Positivity and Success back in 1975 as a young Stockbroker trainee for a brokerage company named E.F. Hutton. They gave us the book, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, to read and study as part of our training program.
• Dreamed of being rich since 1962, when I was 10 years old and when my father left for the first time. He left a total of 3 times. Finally, he was gone for good the third time. You know how the saying goes.
• My attitude: “You may see me struggle but you will never see me quit.”
• Over 40 years of doing many smart things and doing some very dumb things. Huge lessons learned.
• I’m a good “beginner” and I’ve learned many, many, many things from my over 40 years of mistakes and missteps.
Please read my “about” page for more information and visit:
My Facebook Pages: If you’re an animal lover, please come meet 5000 other animal loving friends on my Facebook page. Need some positivity? Please visit my Facebook page for positive messages.
My Twitter Page: Need another dose of positivity? Please visit my twitter page.
My Linked-in Page: Please come visit me here and read additional articles that I’ve written and see what my day job is all about.
My blog is about building a powerful “two way” success support community and your participation is respectfully requested, needed and greatly appreciated.
Warm Regards,
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