Hi All,
Barry Sarner Here
Chief Creator & Innovator
of the The Writers Honor & Its All Possible
The Writers Honor, Your Cyberspace Portal To A Quirky, Fun-Loving & Adventurous Freelance Writer And That Be Me. . . Barry Sarner
Dictionary.com defines “Honor” as:
“Honesty, Fairness and Integrity in One’s Beliefs & Actions.”
This is a special place where the love and passion for Long-Form Evergreen Writing, Content Writing, Copywriting, Creating and Innovating is not only alive and flourishing but, their collective “life force” acts as an energy guardrail for me on a very personal level.
Thank you for taking the time to visit me here and thank you for giving me the chance to show you around my Personal Freelance Long-Form Evergreen Writing, Content Writing, Copywriting, Creativity & Innovation Arena.
I’m a man who tries to understand people and more importantly, a man who just wants to share with you the idiosyncratic way I handle my “stuff” and, the off-centered and sometimes zany ways, I see the world.
In all my years on this planet I have never been accused of being “Standard Issue.” Quirky? Unconventional? Assertive? A bit Tilted maybe, but never “Standard Issue.”
Why Freelance Writing?
I love Long-Form Evergreen Writing, Content Writing, Creative Writing and, I do love Copywriting. I love playing around in the Arenas of Creativity and Innovation.
“Creativity is one way to express what kind of human being you are, what you love,and who you are. Creativity lets you see who you are, what you’re interested in, the values and standards you set, and how you want people to get to know you. Being creative you can show what life means for you.”-Agnus Laurens
I started to write & create in grade school. I write & create for friends, I write & create for my businesses and especially, I write & Create to just clear my mind. I write & create to “talk” things out with myself.
I write to enable focused thinking. I write for fun. I even write for solving challenges, soothing grief or dealing with hurt. It was, and still remains to be, Uber-Cathartic for me.
“Imagination Is Everything. It Is the Preview of Life’s
Coming Attractions.”~ Albert Einstein
Hope you’ll come and visit me at TheWritersHonor.com
I could always be reached at [email protected]
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